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Sybilline Books or Sybilline Oracles?

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I want to know where this 'prophecy' comes from.


The things in the tenth generation shall come to pass. The Earth shall be shaken by a great earthquake that throws many cities into the sea. There shall be war. Fire shall come flashing down from the heavens and many cities burn. Black ashes shall fill the great sky. Then know the Anger of the Gods.


Did it come from the Sybilline Books? Or from the later Sybilline Oracles?


Thanks in advance.



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  • 3 months later...

Would you be willing to explain the difference? I was just always under the impression that the Oracles were in the Books.

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I want to know where this 'prophecy' comes from.


The things in the tenth generation shall come to pass. The Earth shall be shaken by a great earthquake that throws many cities into the sea. There shall be war. Fire shall come flashing down from the heavens and many cities burn. Black ashes shall fill the great sky. Then know the Anger of the Gods.


Did it come from the Sybilline Books? Or from the later Sybilline Oracles?


Thanks in advance.




Is this the website that you got that from?




-- Nephele

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A quick clarification - a certain type of female prophet was called a Sybil by the Italians, so there were several of them. Sybils, like other mortals who prophesied, did so under the influence of a God, who usually only pronounced at a particular place. This place where the God spoke was an oracle. So you get a (not the) Sybil who pronounced at an oracle. Pronouncements were not necessarily prophesies - many questions to the oracles were about the present or the past, or asking for guidance rather than a vision of the future.


There was a particular Sybil who rendered a number of prophesies into books (presumably at her oracle) and flogged them off to King Tarquin of Rome. These are the famed Sybilline books, which again were prophesies in only a limited manner. Many appear to have said 'If X happens to Rome, the following religious ceremonies are required.'


The 'prophesy' you have there sounds like an extract from one of many books of revelations which were popular in the Middle East in the first centuries BC and AD, and these books were big on numerology, religious cryptography, and above all death and destruction.

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  • 1 month later...
I am not sure where I got it from to be honest, but it just stood out to me, and I had to know its origins. Thanks for the information Maty.



You are right - it is from a set of texts known as 'the Sybilline texts'. I was reading them this afternoon and was wondering why the material seemed familiar.What you have is something of a paraphrase, but its definitely the same thing.


Go to here http://sacred-texts.com/cla/sib/sib06.htm and scroll down through several sections of inspired gibberish until you get to the bit labelled p.106 and you will find


And then too shall an earthquake overthrow

Both Salamis and Paphos, when dark water

Shall dash o'er Cyprus washed by many a wave.

But when from deep cleft of Italian land

Fire shall come flashing forth in the broad heaven,

And many cities burn and men destroy,

And much black ashes shall fill the great sky,

And small drops like red earth shall fall from heaven,

Then know the anger of the God of heaven


Stirring stuff ....

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Ironically, last night, the history channel had yet another show on the coming mayan prophecy of 2012. They actually mentioned this "Cumean Sybil" who wrote the sybilline prophecies, even giving her credit for predicting the birth of christ. Now my question is are they trying to say this is the same oracle who gave the books to Tarquin? this is very confusing. lol.



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