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UNRV Ancient Roman Empire Forums
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Things To Do



Car registration

Update computer virus and antispyware protection

Book train tickets

Get car inspected

Acquire luggage that meets AMtrak requirements

Get Tracfone minutes

Get ring resized (when it gets here)

Move money out of savings account



Getting there! A lot of loose ends to tie up. I probably won't be very active online for a few months (until I get back). There's a lot of stuff to do, and the train trip is going to take several days.


I'm nervous about the trip, I've never traveled on a train before and there are a lot of layovers. I'm going to have a six hour layover in Chicago. My goal is to find a coffee shop near the train station, and have a cup of java in Chicago. I've never been to Chicago, it's a small thing, but it's something I'd like to do. :lol:


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My ring got here today, and my friend resized it for me. Hopefully my finger won't grow anymore, or else I won't be able to wear my rings for long LOL. He was nice to resize it for me though, it wasn't a very big deal to do it. What proved difficult was that it had been resized before, which we didn't know.


I got my car inspected, and I am getting batteries for my watch soon (I asked the pharmacy to reserve them for me because my watch takes two and they only had one). I also put my mom's name on my account so if I need money, she has access to it.


Now I'm just praying I can get through the three weeks before I leave. I've been in this job long enough, I want OUT! I toughed it out this long, I think I can do so for a few more weeks...I hope they pass quickly.

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