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Rameses the Great

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Everything posted by Rameses the Great

  1. I take it you go to a private/Catholic school?
  2. Keep in mind, there once was a time where women were forbidden to leave the house:
  3. Happy Birthday Wot, and I've got parents older then you!
  4. Hello, I'm back. I had a question that I wanted answered for an awful long time on Ptolemaic and Carthaginian relations. Little is mentioned about these two powers however, they were the two dominant forces in North Africa and I'm wandering what they felt about each other. Clearly the Ptolemaic Empire was concerned about it's provinces in the Middle East rather then the rest of Africa but they probably did here about each other's affairs, wars, and trade. Although very unlikely they were at war with each other were they ever involved in a type of naval or military engagement with or against each other? How did both feel about a power across the continent? Did they feel threatened or were they allied in times of hardship i.e. Punic Wars? Where's Pantagathus when you need him? anyone? You guys can close it if you like.
  5. Different cultures, different peoples. They try to compare Serbs to these peoples to.
  6. That is because the Westerners usually just opened the thousands of years old tombs. Zahi Hawass told them if they are to discover any tombs to open them, let the bad air out and let the good air come in. It's not a curse for crying out loud, it's the fact that the age old tomb has bad air that is harmful to anyone's health.
  7. Come back soon and I hope you're doing well!
  8. I'm sure the Romans had encountered ambushes, especially in the northern regions of Germania and Gaul which were heavily forested. I still don't know if they had a way of dealing with the issue. Would they send scouts to suvey the land or did they have intelligence on the situation? Discuss.
  9. Christianity was never one church. The very first division, during Peter and Paul's lifetimes, was between those who wanted Gentiles to become circumcised before they could convert, and those who thought baptism was enough. This was a major doctrinal disagreement splitting Jewish and Gentile Christians, and the divisions only grew from there. This issue was also solved. Your right, but Paul convinced Peter and James to stop this practice. They set two conditions for the Gentiles, 1. To become accustomed with Judaism and 2. To give a donation to the church upon baptism. Paul told them that if they did not have to become Jewish first, then all who were baptised had to give a donation which was important considering at that time donations were really important. Of course Paul was still disappointed but the rift was settled. Also remember there was never a 'church' at that time it was a belief and not much more at that time.
  10. Congragulations! I was actually in Canada for some of it, worst host country ever they didn't even score a single goal! Beating the USA is something to be proud of. They beat Brazil and I believe you now face Chile? Very beatable. Who knows, you guys may pull a Greece!
  11. Pope Benedict is very conservative as a matter of fact, moreso then Pope John Paul. I have no problem in what he said, yet the motives he wanted. Does he want to tell the Catholics they're the true religion? Did he want to tell the Orthodox and other Christian faiths that what they believe is not true? Or both? The pope in this day and age must act politically. The day Pope Benedict stated what he did about Islam his people were not harmed yet the Christians living in the Middle East were hurt. This is a result of his comments the papacy of Rome has a lot of power. People seem to forget we used to be one church. Christianity started in the Middle East in places such as Syria, Armenia, and Egypt all within the areas of the Eastern Roman Empire. When the Edict of Milan was signed it was no longer dangerous to become Christian. They ordered the rest of the empire to follow the pope in Rome, well of course we won't why would we have to follow the people we taught? Before you know it the doctrines were altered. The differences between Catholicism and Orthodox are small but they are HUGE. I would love to rejoin with the Catholic Church but it won't be done like this. I just wander where Pope Benedict is going with this, I guess only time will tell. My two cents.
  12. Indeed and I agree completely, although sometimes do into trouble, with what Ursus said. However we did talk about the Pope's words after his controversial topics about Islam. I'm just wandering why he all of a sudden turned the relations of the Catholic church. There is still friction between the two Apostolic churches, Catholics and Orthodox. The Pope is a very wise and smart man make no doubts however I don't know what led him to the comments he made. He seems more conservative then Pope John Paul II.
  13. LORENZAGO DI CADORE, Italy - Pope Benedict XVI has reasserted the universal primacy of the Roman Catholic Church, approving a document released Tuesday that says Orthodox churches were defective and that other Christian denominations were not true churches. Benedict approved a document from his old offices at the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith that restates church teaching on relations with other Christians. It was the second time in a week the pope has corrected what he says are erroneous interpretations of the Second Vatican Council, the 1962-65 meetings that modernized the church. Link. This is the second time the pope's words have caused controversey. For those who don't know we were in talks of reuniting into one church but because of these comments it is likely to end. Can someone who knows the situation better tell me what the heck is going on?
  14. Not until you say ten "Hail Beadys." You know, I did give you the joke I think we're about even.
  15. Or brought to me by an e-mail. Glad you jump to conclusions. Let me rephrase: Consider it stolen by me for posting elsewhere. Lancaster's Corollary to Beady's 10th Law of Social Harmonics: "Whatever the joke, someone won't get it." Oh, glad I can help. Sorry for the false accusation please forgive me.
  16. Or brought to me by an e-mail. Glad you jump to conclusions.
  17. > NEWS FLASH: Teacher Arrested at Airport > > A public school teacher was arrested today at John F. Kennedy > International Airport as he attempted to board a flight while in > possession of a ruler, a protractor, a set square, a slide rule and a > calculator... > > At a morning press conference, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales said he > believes the man is a member of the notorious Al-gebra movement. He did > not identify the man, who has been charged by the FBI with carrying > weapons of math instruction. > > "Al-gebra is a problem for us," Gonzales said. "They desire solutions by > means and extremes, and sometimes go off on tangents in search of absolute > values. They use secret code names like 'x' and 'y' and refer to > themselves as 'unknowns', but we have determined they belong to a common > denominator with coordinates in every country. > > When asked to comment on the arrest, President Bush said, "If God had > wanted us to have better weapons of math instruction, He would have given > us more fingers and toes." > > White House aides told reporters they could not recall a more intelligent > or profound statement by the president.
  18. Not necessarily true Viggen. The Republican candidates fully oppose Bush's regime, who can with a 30% approval rating the guy's like the plagues, and have more front-runners then the Democrats. O'Bama and Clinton won't make it because of the traditionalist feelings of America and with more understanding Republican nominees there is a very good chance a Republican will be elected. That and the fact the Democrats now control the Congress which would put imbalance in terms of politics like we've seen with the Bush administration. I think people have learned by then.
  19. I know I haven't been on here for a while with summer and what not some time ago I recall seeing articles on Greco-Carthaginian battles. I understand that the Carthaginian, other then the Punic Wars, are not really known for their military. I know in many instances Carthage and Greece fought over control of Sicily. The thing that surprises me however in that most of the battles the Greeks defeated the Carthaginians soundly in instances the Romans had trouble with them. For example I remember the war sparked up in Sicily and the Carthaginians planned for a full scale war with the Greeks. They raised a substantial force, the largest in Carthaginian history, yet the Greeks just mobilized their troops to a much lesser extend yet defeated the Carthaginians subsequently winning the war. Anyone heard of this, or can reference me to it? Also, I notice the Carthaginian army seems to be more Hellenistic rather then Middle Eastern. Was the idea of phalanx and mercenary use brought about by the Greeks or was this idea a Carthaginian practice? What was their army like this before the widespread culture of Hellenism mainly before Alexander the Great?
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