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Everything posted by Germanicus

  1. I too got my map the other day, and have framed it, it's fantastic !!!!!
  2. They are not considered Gods by Christians themselves, to call them such would be blasphemy, but one can't deny they bare a striking resemblance. this link has a list of Patron Saints, Saints which are seen to have greater influence over specific occupations or areas (and are endorsed to have such by the Papacy) when prayed to. It also depends on ones definition of a god. If you define a god as a being that is immortal, and more powerfull than a mere human and possibly involved or interested in human afffairs, a saint certainly qualifies.
  3. Yes, read it a while ago. Baldy ??? I suppose I should expect that kind of thing from you..LOL
  4. Yes...I can see thats where you got your information from. Be careful, it's far from historicly accurate and nothing like a good book to get your information from. What Cato wants is an actual historical reference pre Sertorius ? Do you have one ?
  5. You confuse me.....who ever said they "hate" the Carthagenians and Hannibal ? Certainly not in this thread ?
  6. I agree the logic wasn't worded the best way possible, however something allowed the triumvirate to come into being, a system, laws that didn't prohibit it, lack of enforcement of laws that tried to, the client patron relationship, ancestor worship and intense personal competition and the like...that system was the republic as it stood, and I do believe the triumvirate or something resembling it was inevitable, and a symptom of this flawed system.
  7. Yes I concur, was just splitting hairs.
  8. I read the letters some time ago, but have just been dipping into them again, and noticed this gem:- book 9, 14. To Cornelius Tacitus
  9. I just found the answer to my question re Pescennius Niger in the Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology :- "His cognomen of Niger is said to have been derived from the extreme swarthiness of his throat, although otherwise fair skinned and of ruddy complexion" I think it's based on information in Dion Cassius. I saw a reconstruction of the Augustus Prima Porta statue based on traces of pigment, showing that it was originally colored, with red hair. I wonder if this was the case with other statues, but have seen(nor looked for) further evidence.
  10. I found the below post from Hamilcar Barca in the last Phalanx/Legion thread most compelling :- The last thread was closed as the discussion was getting nowhere....the same will probably happen here....
  11. Rameses - it's ok - just start the new thread. The topic you mention can probably go in either the military folder or Imperium Romanum - go to that forum and hit the "new topic" button.
  12. Okay so you don't think slavery was the reason - why do you think they had this attitude ?
  13. Thanks Flavius - I suppose it could also refer to his personality ?
  14. You can start by reading The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire by Gibbon. He starts the decline at Commodus, with good reason. Have a read of this earlier thread
  15. Everything I've read indicates he was Phoenician and Italian. One curious thing though - what did the name Niger refer to ? See this quote below, According to Dion and Herod, who were subsequently quoted by Gibbon :- So here Pescennius Niger is refered to as the black candidate, no doubt because of his name, but what was the reason for the cognomen ? Did it refer to his color ? I've come across the name many times in my reading, attached to soldiers, officials, seems quite a common name.
  16. Hope you have/had a good day, glad you're still around !
  17. They won't even try. It's action - not accuracy for these guys.
  18. The first thing I heard this morning was Sir Mixalot - Baby got back. LOL
  19. I can see the preview now :- One man....against the might of an Empire....Vin Diesel is HANNIBAL ! (yes I know Carthage was an Empire too, but Vin won't) I have to admit that I'll see it no matter how crap it looks
  20. I thought things were starting to to lighten up ? There are some seriously polarised view points on this forum, and they will never come to an accord on certain issues.
  21. I accept all your apologies Let us speak of it no more........perhaps a little more.
  22. I really wish you would all do this kind of thing when I'm awake to take part ! I think I deserve a heartfelt apology........
  23. Good post Furius, I might only add that casualty figures in classical texts can be highly exaggerated. In terms of this :- My purpose in reading is to expand my knowledge, and I want that knowledge to be worth something, so I weigh up authors viewpoints, and the evidence they have to support them, and make a decision. I can never read just one source and take it as gospel.
  24. Yes, being misunderstood can be annoying - but I guess that's life when you're not face to face. Anyway - to your question. Do you actually think she would have considered the "older than Augustus" thing ? Or was the reason just as PP suggested, and the fact that she was older than Augustus in representations largely a bi product ?
  25. You`re very naive. You think they never killed and subjugated themselves? And only Europeans are responsible for all sins? I don't think he's saying that at all, and he's far from naive. He just objected to the egomaniacal view that the conquered are always better off. I feel it has nothing to do with who did the conquering, but at least in hindsight, surely we can agree that terrible and deplorable things came both during, and as a result of Imperialism, the results are still comming to light even now.
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