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Everything posted by Artimi

  1. add my name to the drawing, please please..
  2. At first one thinks of the infrastructure: roads, aqueducts, sewers, and other engineering feats. The infrastructure made many material and non material goods flow across the empire. and then there was sponge on stick.
  3. Artimi


    Magic, witchcraft and Ghost in the Greek and Roman Worlds: A Sourcebook. Daniel Ogden Stoicism and Emotion Margaret R Graver The Golden City John Twelve Hawks Memorable Doings and Sayings, Volume 1: Books 1-5 Valerius Maximus and many many more.
  4. Artimi


    I have the Empress Zenobia book and it is well worth read. I seem to be shifting my interest to the later Roman empire so this book was a nice introduction to Zenobia. I would lend it to you but I would want it back. I think I have mentioned my system with my books. If it has my name in, I want it back; if not then send forward .
  5. ...Brutus, Caesar and... Caligula. Institutional heritage provided a reassuring but challenging aria
  6. wistfully remembered by... by stoic romans
  7. I have but it was a couple of years ago that I read it.(How many books read since then I couldnt even hazard a guess). I looked at the book yesterday, positive feelings about but couldnt remember a lot of the story but the story line is intriguing. It is one of the books I kept so I must have liked it. So I am going to re-read it. I have a system for my books. If my name is in it then I want to keep it and if I lend it I want it back. If no name in the book, then pass it on, I dont want it back. This has worked for years for me.
  8. me me.. I mistyped.. I meant Eagle of the Ninth
  9. The Eagle in the Snow and Friend of Caesar and The Nineth Legion. Maybe favourites is more applicable in my case. My great-niece started reading Friend of Caesar (by Stearns, written about 1900). she said she has a hard time putting it down. She is 16, about the same age I was when I first read it. It is kind of nice to see one very young enjoy a book that I love. The Roman Republic by Michael Crawford and As the Romans Did by Jo-Ann Shelton (I know a source book, I love reading all the quotes). When I first read the Crawford book, it had many aha moments... someone felt the same way about the Roman republic as I did and (big point) he knew history to back up his points!
  10. There was more to Romans than politics and militarism.
  11. Caldrail, your review prompted me to add this my wish list. Sometimes a good overish picture is a helpful start to subject, one is just starting to explore. Thanks
  12. thanks for the links and book references. I had never thought about the problems with impurities in the water brought by aqueducts.
  13. after having my arm twisted I have put 3 of the books on wish lists. lol
  14. this review of the movie is priceless. lol http://entertainment.timesonline.co.uk/tol...icle7084379.ece
  15. Has any subscribed to this service? If so did you find it worth USD a month? http://www.questia.com/Index.jsp There are so many books out there that I want to read but dont have the actual sesterii(spelling??) to get. This book is one of them. Being Present GROWING UP IN HITLER'S GERMANY WILLY SCHUMANN THE KENT STATE UNIVERSITY PRESS KENT, OHIO, AND LONDON, ENGLAND this was one of the freebee book on the email newsletter. This was the blurb attached to it: Star Wars and Philosophy: More Powerful Than You Can Possibly Imagine Now that sounded interesting (I am Trekkie(Original series and Voyager) and a fan of the first 3 Star Wars.
  16. Currently reading - The Elegance of the Hedgehog - a very different book The Crow Planet - crows are wonderful creatures. These are books I can read a chunk and the put down and then read another chunk.
  17. thank you, I have made a note this.
  18. I have been trying to find out how to add the accent - to long vowels in Latin on the keyboard. so far no joy. Help.
  19. Agree, but I was commenting on Maty's unique humor: "...raped the cattle and rustled the women..." guy also known as gaius I know and he does have a wonderful sense of humour. This is partly a spill over from the book I just finished by John Man about Ghenghis Khan. Those Mongols were soooooooo brutal.
  20. Those randy Ancient Brits. LOL. Was it something in the beer? guy also known as gaius I know it was common at that time to do this, but when you think about this, it is down threatening and scary, when you consider nothing has changed in 2000 years (the brits have changed???) but the raids and victims havent.
  21. Melvadius, love the interactive map. There is a lot of information there. I actually got to Vindolanda while it was still just squares being excavated, no tourist stuff there.but never made it to the actual wall. I view Hadrian's Wall through the eyes of the General Maximus in Breem's 'Eagle in the Snow'.
  22. Wish I could have been there. Maybe I would seen the ghosts of Roman Legionaires this time.
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