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Everything posted by Artimi

  1. Artimi


    I have added you book and Lord Mahon's book to my wish list. I had to be ruthless with my wish list- there were some books that actually said to me- delete or remove me from the list... you really dont want me.. and they were right:)
  2. Empress Theodora, Augustus's poor maligned daughter - Julia. Seneca- to see if he is really like his letters. Marcus Aurelius - just because. I guess there is a plethora (??) of people I would like to meet.
  3. is it just me or are the fonts smaller? For some reason I find the new format harder to read. and yes, I am older..........lol Is there a way I can change the size of the font for the whole site, just on my computer? Testing - size 4 would be perfect for me.
  4. Artimi


    Love the cover picture and I am sure I will enjoy the book. I did Belisarius.
  5. That's the one I meant. It's the only button I ever use really, don't have a clue how I should navigate the fora now. Looks like you actually need to go into the folders to see new posts? (unless you check in every day and use 'today's active topics'). At the bottom is Todays Active Content click on it and then you see the Active Content of the last 24 hours, when you are there go to the bottom there you can change in a drop down box from 24 hours to week, 2 weeks up to a year, hope that helps... cheers viggen I can do this... even though it takes a few clicks here and there.........lol
  6. Please bring back the most recent post feature and last post date on the forums list. I really really liked this feature.
  7. Artimi

    Fallen Hopes

    Sethra is Etruscan. When I wrote this, I was still very fascinated by Etruscans (still am but Rome claimed my time). I named her Sethra, in honour of her mother's ancestors in Etruria and I like the name. I think I was going to introduce more details of the names of the characters had I continued.
  8. Artimi

    Fallen Hopes

    6-Mar-07 Fallen Hopes Sethra watched the sunrise; the sky turned from dark, dark blue to a wonderful rose, then a joyous orange. This matched her mood. Today she was 14, and her mother and father said they had a birthday surprise. Many of her friends were already betrothed or married, and she felt left behind. Hopefully, a future husband was the surprise. Her mother knew who she preferred first, second, third, as if this would matter. Pater was a rising client of an important patron, one who was actually in the Senate. Unfortunately her marriage would a political or commercial union. Father had already left the domus, and Sethra could hear her mother moving about. Her brother
  9. I would like to see the finished product:). I like the idea. I have toyed with the idea of writing, but I get bogged down in my lack of knowledge of details of the Rome. The details are the background, yes, but make the story believable and interesting.
  10. (Caldrail)This is not what I got from Virgil61's post. Machines come in various forms in various cultures - military, economic, societal. I think which machine is perferred can reflect the mental make up of the person and is not necessarily evil or bad. Anarchy is a machine as well.
  11. thanks Ursus. I have added that book to my wish list.
  12. Hi. did you enjoy this book? was it helpful?
  13. I am waiting for a few books.. Got a real good deal on the John Man book about ?? places to see . also finally bought the book on the Varus's massacred legions and 2 murder mysteries.. Summer reading... these will have to do as a vacation 'journey'.
  14. another 3 or 4 books added to my wish list. oh to win the lottery:) seriously.. I will get one of the books on that list by end of July.. A Canada Day present to myself:)
  15. How much choice would the 'pregnant' prostitutes have had in most brothels to which they had been sold?
  16. I generally have no trouble finding books etc. I love the BBC's magazine Focus..
  17. Chapters is having an instore sale.. Buy 3 books and/or magazines and the 4th one is free (of course it will be the cheapest one). I think the store deserves a visit:)
  18. Antoine wall...nice. I can imagine how dark it will be. ~What is The Road about? Post-apocolypse(hints at massive nuclear strikes). they made a movie out of it too.. I gather it is as depressing
  19. So that would definitely be a dark time to be in Roman Britain then. ~Where is the main character based? Near what is left of Antoine wall. But the story moves south. It was a dark time. and getting darker. btw.. for a truly depressing book - The Road by C MacCarthy. I rarely rarely rarely read the end of a book. But I did this one. I only read about half and I had to find out how it ends because I was not reading any more. truly truly depressing.
  20. Thanks for reminding me, I have to read that book... ~Were is the story set? Is it still Roman Britain? Yes, during the begining of the reign of Constans(??). I really need to do some reading about the Painted People(who I think were the Picts) and the Attacotti(spelling). ( I have forgotten where I put the book last night and am just too tired/lazy to find it).
  21. Just finished re-reading The Frontier Wolf by Rosemary Sutcliff. She truly knows the mood of the retreating Empire.
  22. Sybille Haynes has written a few books on the Etruscan. I saved and got her book Etruscan Civilization- a Cultural History.. Well worth missed coffee etc.
  23. I quite enjoy this UNRV. I always find something to read:)
  24. wow... this would have been so wonderful when I was student... but stickies werent even around!
  25. Just confirmed again.... I am no good at computer games!
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