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Everything posted by Lost_Warrior

  1. 4.30 AM: alarm goes off 5.10 AM: get up, get dressed, pack lunch 5.40 AM: leave for work 6.00 AM: arrive at shop and start shoveling metal bits out of back of RoboDrill 11.00 AM: eat lunch 1.00 PM: leave work, come home, get shower Rest of the day: dick around on the computer, watch TV, study or write.
  2. Ah, I see. I don't know if I agree or not (not enough information) but it seems plausible at least. Also, doing a lot of physical activity will affect a woman's menstruation. Female athletes, for instance, who train a LOT can stop having periods altogether (or so I've heard.) Also, people just grew up (societally speaking) faster in those days. There was no waiting until you were finished 13 years of compulsory education, in some cases + college, before you were out on your own and taking care of yourself. There was no mooching off mom and dad until you were 25 or 30! "My biggest fear is that there is no PMS and this is her REAL personality."
  3. Kosmo where are you getting this information? TMI, but I was fertile at age 12. I had thought that 14 or so was the 'normal' age to get married, or I may be mistaken, but I don't think that women were married BEFORE they became fertile. I'd actually thought that a woman's first period was a sign of "Now it's time to get married". I do agree that there were many pregnancies however. I'd like to know where you get the idea that the rich had lower fertility rates? As far as I know, wealth has nothing to do with fertility...is it something to do with lifestyle? Or is there a source that states this?
  4. I don't have any real practical advice but (((((HUGS)))))
  5. Thanks! I took the Oath last night. And actually, got some sort of a "zing" of energy that I'm STILL buzzing with it. So I've jumped right into my studies, I might as well.
  6. Yes, but not if the man wanted to produce an eligible heir.
  7. I've already internalized it I think. It hurts me so badly that he's hurting, sometimes, that I literally can't do anything but curl up on the couch and shake...and I wish I could do even less than that. :'(
  8. ...and don't forget "sleep" as well.
  9. I now have DSL (it was really pretty painless) and my laptop is in Allentown, so it should be here sometime early next week (provided DHL Express doesn't decide that they won't deliver it to my house, grrr). I'm really excited to get it. So YAY. I got to see my therapist on Wednesday, and she says I'm doing really well. Major improvement from last time. But I am really glad I got to see her, because I needed to. The newest thing I have to deal with is that my best friend has an excruciatingly painful chronic illness and I am not handling that well. (Though I have gotten to the point where I can do some basic research on it online. If I stay in "science mindset" I can handle looking at the information.) I've known about his illness pretty much since I met him and he handles it very well, but since my breakdown in January I don't seem to be able to cope with it. I found out on Thursday that a dear friend of mine's son is rejecting his donor kidney, again. And it looks like he won't ever regain full function even with medication. We're all hoping for the best, though. (and that, my friends, is the 'shit')
  10. I wouldn't know. This isn't something that I've seen mentioned in a lot of sources. Yes, plebian would more than likely work through it, because they had to. It's interesting to note, though, that there was a lot of superstition regarding menstruating women. They were often considered "cursed" and a danger to everyone. From society's standpoint (especially the men) it would have been beneficial to have the woman cloistered in her home for a week.
  11. Well I'm glad I'm not the only one who is OCD about others touching the computer. DSL is up and running!
  12. I'll be keeping my PC. My mom will use it (I hate letting her use THAT, anyway. We fight over it. It's MINE, I shelled out the $700 for it, and she whines if I don't let her use it.) I am password protecting my laptop, it is MINE, and no one else is using it.
  13. From the Roman Legion page: IIRC, the Centurion appointed an Optio from the ranks (the Optio was the Centurion's second in command). The Optio then became the next Centurion. I can't recall what came before Optio though.
  14. Probably. I don't know yet. LOL It's going to be involved in a lot of ritual work (that's the 'more on that later' part) so it probably will have a name. My PC does.
  15. "Praise Mars" sounds about right. Or possibly "exalted Mars"
  16. On Monday I summoned up my courage and asked for (and got!) a raise, and more hours. That turned into more stress than I needed, but alls well that ends well, and I did get a raise and more hours (and the increase from my old weekly income is going to go right into my savings.) It took me most of the week but I found a DSL provider, for less than I actually expected to pay! I ended up going with the phone company, which I DIDN'T want to do for various reasons, but I did have to as Verizon wasn't available here. I think I made out OK. I also ordered a new Dell Inspiron 1525 laptop. I think it will be here this week, I hope. It has an integrated webcam and I upgraded the battery. I've wanted a laptop for years, but I never had a reason to have one. Now I do (more on that later) and I am getting a big tax refund, so I went and did it. The DSL will be installed on Wednesday. I hope all goes well. I'm a little worried since I cannot be there when they install it, and my mom doesn't know anything at all about computers. I also have a therapy session on Wednesday, hopefully, if it doesn't get canceled again. At this point it's just a hassle and I'm not entirely looking forward to it. I'm thinking this week will be another busy week for me, and I hope it's not as interesting as last week. *laughs* Yesterday I set up a blog for my Cill work: Keeping Brighid's Flame. I've invited any of the Cill members who want to join me in posting there to do so. No one has been added yet, but I have at least one other person who will join.
  17. If I ever get married, it's going to be a small production, me, him and a few friends. Done in whatever tradition we happen to choose. Hell it might not even be legal, and if we have a legal reason to get hitched, that will be done by a JP. No bridezilla. I just don't have time or energy to be bridezilla.
  18. Yea it unhinged me LOL. Wait...no, I'm already unhinged.
  19. Well done Cornelius! And way to go on getting transferred to another group. That's awesome.
  20. I have never understood that mentality, in any faith. (Of course it's even harder for me to understand as I'm not anywhere near Christian). I'm one of those people who will curse fate itself with a vengeance if someone I love is hurting.
  21. MMM, Dark Chocolate! I have a drawer full.
  22. I see a lot of things in the first one. I see a dragon type thing, I see two ravens on the sides holding spears, I see a few other entities in there as well.
  23. So I downloaded Apophysis again. Been having fun. One of my newest: (not exactly my cup of tea but I have a couple of friends who really like this sort of thing.) I'm more into stuff like this:
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