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UNRV Ancient Roman Empire Forums


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Everything posted by Pantagathus

  1. For anybody who had a profile picture loaded under the old configuration, it appears that the upgrade borked those files. So if you'd rather not show up as that lovely dead image file "X" icon in someones friend's list then please reload your pic. It only takes a few moments. In that light, I'd love to see more people load a profile pic (either real or avatar-like) now that the profile page seems to loom larger after the upgrade.
  2. That is a very important point! or
  3. Like I said before, ya'll better take pictures of the group! :whip:
  4. If I ever figure out what you are talking about, wait till you see my rating! When viewing somebody's profile, on the left under their picture, you can rate them in a 5 star system. However, putting my MOD hat on for a second let me take this opportunity to say that it would be most unfortunate if this system were to be abused like it so often is in other forums. 'One Star Wonders' (meaning people who go around giving people low ratings out of spite) won't be tolerated. It'll be a quick road to banville... /takes MOD hat off Rameses that does seem like quite an injustice! It should have been a 1 Star!
  5. Ursus!!! Hermes-Mercurius in his capacity as god of communication would be most disappointed. Time to upgrade my friend... I have a custom job (at home) that was put together with top of the line components in late 2002 and is already wholy inadequate for the information age...
  6. I tend to argee with Gaius in that I think we tend to overly generalize the sanataion conditions across the board in various locals throughout the span of the ancient world. The evidence seems to indicate that in Rome proper for most of it's history, sanitation was of course a high priority. Not remembering the exact reference but Strabo discusses it in length when talking about Rome. Rome undoubtably had street cleaners to suppliment it's celebrated sewer system. I don't know the Latin word is but a verb in Greek for cleaning away refuse is anakatharsis. It had to be quite similar to what Appian describes in his treatment of the 3rd Punic War (because Carthage's housing blocks were laid out with spillways for refuse to be cleaned out by a public service): "The street cleaners, who were removing the rubbish with axes, mattocks, and forks, and making the roads passable..." But, back to Gaius' original question: If you dig into it, you find it quite evident that the Romans used that kind of refuse extrensively to level ground during building/engineering projects. Many archaeology sites have been preserved because the Romans covered old thing over with such rubble!
  7. Even though that would interfere with the very amicable atmosphere we have established here, that is a spledid thought...
  8. I had to reload my pic. No biggie
  9. This statement provides the perfect opportunity to propose that the USA in its current state has much more in common with Carthage than Rome
  10. Firefox > IE6 IE7 > Firefox I was having similar problems too Virgil. I actually have to admit that I love IE7 (cause it stole some of FF's best features)
  11. Good luck S! I have the utmost confidence that you'll do just fine!
  12. Yeah, unfortunately the primary Greco-Roman sources are pretty uninventive in their attempt to translate Punic names into Latinized forms. It seems from Livy and the like that everybody is either a Hannibal, Hasdrubal, Hamilcar or a Mago... Of course the reality was that Punic names were quite a bit more diverse as evident from epigraphic data in Punic tophets/cemetaries. However, many of these names must have sounded quite odd, cumbersome or even barbaric to a typical Greek or Roman. With the names used often, here are examples what they probably were closer to in Punic: Hannibal = Hannobaal Bomilcar = Bodmelqart Hamilcar = Hadmelqart One of my favorite Punic names is Esmounhilles...
  13. I once signed the guest book at a cabin we stayed at with "all your cabin are belong to us"...
  14. Looks like the base of a Punic mausoleum so I'll say Carthage-Tunisia?
  15. Well it is just an automated title upgrade based on post count...
  16. RTG: I'll give you a chance to edit your post in an effort to scrub out the junk that makes you sound like a racist lout.
  17. Kind of like the National Enquirer saying that President Bush & the first lady are getting divorced...
  18. Yes, many other factors so the answer is yes & no... My main point in regards to bringing up central Asian history was to highlight the endless waves of peoples from the east pressuring people of this region west (& northwest & southwest) into Eastern Europe & Asia Minor... So yes, there are bound to be some decendants of the Scythians there but *probably* more are to be found now in the Ukraine, Moldavia, Romania, Bulgaria, etc... Does that make sense?
  19. I have had both of those error messages when a power supply is failing. Basically the hard drive isn't getting enough juice to read/write properly which causes those errors. How old is the computer (power supply specifically)? Also, if you have an older house you run the risk of having 'dirty power' that's not voltage regulated properly which can flux, putting a strain on the power supply. I've had this happen to me twice
  20. And if anybody is interested in how this find fits into the big picture of wine history, look HERE All in all, not to suprising but a great find nonetheless
  21. LW, since I didn't want to go off topic in that 'other place' let me just say that if its working randomly again you may be lucky in that it's not your hard drive but your power supply.
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