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FLavius Valerius Constantinus

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Posts posted by FLavius Valerius Constantinus

  1. My Latin Teacher gave me book called Roman Medicine by John Scarborough

    and has a big chapter on medicine in the Roman Army.I could scan it for you I think.I talks alot about the medical corps ranging from Caesars army to different other generals.Well the book only talks about how they served their purpose came to be one. It applies to only strictly medicine topic.

  2. Don't forget the naval battles. The battle of Ecnomus :

    In 256, the Romans sent a fleet of no less than 330 ships from Sicily to Africa, where the army aboard was supposed to strike at the Carthaginian homeland. Before crossing the Mediterranean, it encountered a Carthaginian navy of 350 ships, not far from modern Licata, at Ecnomus, an early third-century city founded by refugees from Gela, The site has been identified at Poggio di Sant' Angelo.

    The fight at Ecnomus was to be one of the greatest battles in history, because on both sides, more than 140,000 men were present. The Romans won the battle, and could continue to Africa, where they were eventually defeated.

    I mean 140,000 men fought this naval battle, what a tremendous number.I can't seem to remember the name of the Roman admiral.


    Also, name some other famous admirals


    [EDIT PP: Posting excerpts from other sites is perfectly acceptable, but please, always, always add a link to the source Livius.org

  3. Pretty sure I'm wrong, but I think its because when the inhabitants surrendered, they promised to comply to the conditions with turning in all their arms(swords) and so they did, but with the exception that a 1/3 of them kept their weapons.They then went back inside and fought with Caesar. In the end Caesar won and he because he was so piss, he allowed the slaughtering of them and their bondage into slavery.

  4. Your method of punishment is not at all Roman. That style of punishment right there belonged to Vlad Drucula(that's right, the real one) whom impaled tens of thousands of his enemies ( inluding innocent men,women, children,..). I think his victims were mostly Ottoman-Turks.

  5. I would depose Tiberius, meaning assassination. Marched around the empire with my legions to strengthen my cause to be emperor with show of force. Then I would go on a major campaign against Parthia and come back with spoils and riches. And for those who disagree, Parthia can be beaten(I mean we did take over Mesopotamia for a while). All you have to do is ally yourself with Armenia, unlike Crassus, and used their land as a base point. Also use their fiercesome calvary.After that campaign, I would do the death choke on the Germans and bring back more slaves and men for the recruitment of the Legion.

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