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FLavius Valerius Constantinus

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Posts posted by FLavius Valerius Constantinus

  1. It was just referred to as the place where the nomadic Helvetii plundered the most and where the major conflicts occurred between the legions and them is one way to think of it. I think it's just north of Cisalpine Gaul and west of Rhaetia.(Correct me, bc I think I'm really far off)

  2. Three things I wished that happened:

    1) Julius Caesar should have conquered Germania Magna, imagine Romanizing them and which they would provides the best soldiers to protect Roman borders against the future Huns and other Roman enemies.

    2) I really wished Germanicus didn't die so he could have finished his German conquest

    3) If Julius Caesar and Germanicus didn't do it, Trajan and other emperors would have.

  3. Nero was probably the worst politician and leader, what in the right mind would make you burn down Rome, if you want a prominent person to pick without doubt.Worst general would be Emperor Valens, I mean, how do you lose to the Goths who had inaquedate resources and horrible maneuring and who managed to attack the sides of the Romans with their lame calvary, then draw the Romans in and then fully flank them.

  4. "Hey, baby, come to these gladiatorial games often?"


    Here's a much better grammatically correct translation:


    Ohene, femina, saepe his gladiatoris ludis venis? compared to


    Salve, Puella, spectare quotiens gladitorii? (mistakes:

    1)Salve is the word for hello not hey, there is many words for hey

    2) Obviously you don't have a real verb, rather a infinitive but still the wrong word spectare is to watch

    3) The sentence is interrogative exspecting a yes or no answer, so you need to add the enclitic -ne

    4) I suppose you can use quotiens as a adverb for often, but saepe is more common

    5) other minor mistakes...

  5. I mention this too much about myself, but yeah, I'm good at translating latin in both ways well better at latin into english, because english into is so much more grammatically complex (ex. the hundreds of uses of the ablatives, indirect commands, double datives...)

    I'm taking Latin II in high school right now so I guess I can help out with translations.

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