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Blog Comments posted by docoflove1974

  1. I just have never liked the look of them. The same is true with Jags, for the most part...they just don't look good to me. And while BMWs tend to be my choice, I can get past the badge. For example, the Z4...ugly. It looks like a shoe...or better yet, it looks like Goldmember's car, just without the 'tail'.


    Now, the M5...ooooooh daddy....

  2. *puts on best New York accent* (where's Neph when I need her?)


    "Joo take your cricket and gedawda 'ere...we don'need jore stinkin cricket!"


    I much prefer our baseball...for one, I understand it, almost all of it. But mostly, because it's TORTURE...well, that's really only the Giants. With a 3 run lead bring in the best closer in the game for a 2-inning save, which he's almost done before. What would be wrong with that? Nothing...except we lose. Dammit. As we Bay Area fans know, the tagline for this team this year is: Giants baseball...TORTURE!


    No matter...we're going to take the Braves where they call home...right where they don't think it'll happen. Hah!


    (fake bravado...great stuff)

  3. No, I think you have a valid point, Caldrail...although I'm in the reverse position as you, only knowing anything about the British system via tv and news. There is a direct attitude, especially with the Representatives, and definitely with local government. You don't get the actions of the citizens of Bell, California without the people taking direct interest and action, which stems from the belief that average citizens can make a difference. And yet...so many, like me, are cynical regarding how much actually gets done.


    In all honesty, that first Tuesday in November will be very interesting to watch ;)

  4. I find that interesting, especially in light of the fact that there are few political protestations here. I don't know that I would call the Tea Party Movement such a protestation, although I think it's along those lines. I don't know why we don't have that element in our political make-up. Perhaps it's because we vote our representatives in (and out) so frequently, or perhaps because we haven't gotten to that point. At least, not yet.


    I've heard a few political analysts on the boob tube comment that the likelihood of any incumbent gaining reelection in November is going to be slim--be they Republican or Democrat. These analysts insist that people are fed up with how things are going now, so the incumbents are going to suffer the consequences--as if to say, hey, this isn't working, and we need something different. I don't know that to be the case; so often these people say that the voters will do one thing, and then the opposite happens. I'm not saying that it's not possible, just that somehow I'm not sure. I do have a gut feeling that the Republicans will take over the House again, but I don't know how big that majority will be. Somehow I think that the majority of the Tea Party-style candidates will be shown as being too right-wing, which means that the likelihood of their election won't be very high. It's those of us in the middle who make the decisions, both on the ballot and in Congress. For most people, if a candidate seems too far to one side or the other, they tend not to be elected--something that I have a feeling is mostly true in the world at large.

  5. Erm, well, autumn in America depends on where you are. The famed 'fall colors' are the pride of the Northeast and Midwest...many maples and such. Out here in the Golden State, this is our best time of year weather-wise: warm days, cool nights.


    So I've made my applesauce, with Pippins (which weren't nearly as tart as I remembered), McIntoshes and Honey Crisps (love the texture of them). A friend of mine took me to task because I don't put sugar in my recipe. "You only need sugar if you have crappy, flavorless apples" was my reply, and it's true. A cinnamon stick, some star anise, and nutmeg...and happiness :D

  6. You forgot about the caveat at the bottom, the small print:

    "If you actually get solace from any of this advice, you probably need more help than we can give you. Really, you need to seek out professional mental therapy. By the way, it's sunny and projected to be near 80'F in Santa Clara, California, home of Yahoo...so we're having a nice day. No idea if you will, too."

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