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Vibius Tiberius Costa

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Posts posted by Vibius Tiberius Costa

  1. Firstly, how was the scutum shield attached to the arm was it with two leather straps but if the shield was curved would that have worked? My forearm doesn't bend that way. Or is it like (crude example) the original Empire Earth depicts and held only by one hand (i would think it was a bit to heavy for that)?


    Did the standard used by the signifier double up as a weapon?


    How do you draw the gladius? I have read it was hanging on the right side from The Romans: Their Life and Customs, to stop it from bashing into the shield so I tried hanging a toy lightsabre (not one of my lifes most highest points :lol: : it is about 50cm long so i thought it would do) from my right hand side and drawing it but i found it difficult and awkward. Also to get it to face the right way I needed to do some kind of flick thing which would have killed the man next to me. So i assumed that maybe they just went into battle with them drawn then i realised about the pila needed to be thrown.


    Were vambraces worn on the right arm by the wealthy in the second century bc or anytime for that matter? I suppose if they weren't a lot of forearm injuries were sustained when lunging?


    Were greaves worn on both legs, the extending left leg or the unprotected right?


    How was the dagger drawn and held. Little finger to the hilt or thumb and first finger?


    The roman legions were not all red, so how did they distinguish each other. The shield and helm plumage? or maybe the tunic? did naval legions have blue as a colour?


    That'll do for now. Those who answer don't need to do every bit.



  2. In 'ROME' HBO series - 2nd Season, Episode 5, the subtitles information system tells that the colour of the stripes on a Senator's Toga was purple. I thought the colour red was the striped colour.


    Any comments?


    I have not seen the episode but in history before Caesar it was almost considered sacrelidge to wear another colour on your toga, especially purple as purple was considered the colour of kings, which Rome famously did not have. However Caesar did put a stripe along his toga, i though (no evidence as of yet) it was purple not red.

  3. Miguel - What a cool instrument. I suppose you have to grow your nails long?

    I don't mean to be rude but is this a typing error or something else

    It's ok if you're not 'cause it is going ot

    because i don't understand


    Anyway to those interested my avatar is my guitar.


    A custom Jim Deacon Sunburst Telecaster ( i photoshopped it a bit). It's a bit blurry nevertheless).



  4. The football referee: Pierre-Luigi Collina

    has Collina for his surname which although isn't a latin name it is derived from a latin word collis (hill)


    Actually, Collina is a Latin name. It's one of the names of the 35 voting tribes of ancient Rome.


    A Roman's full name (at its most complex) would include the name of his tribe along with the names of his father and grandfather (and sometimes great-grandfather). Collina/us also appears in inscriptions as a simple cognomen.


    But as a tribal name addition, this would generally appear abbreviated in inscriptions as "COL." at the end of the Roman's full, formal name.


    -- Nephele


    So my example was wrong :blink: but im still correct in saying a lot of latin word have become surnames. Am i? :lol:



  5. I believe that the dealing of Corinth was harsh which led me to post the original question (badly) I thought it was a bit drastic considering the amount of deaths caused by the Corinthians on the Spartans. Yet apart from an unnecessary amount of deaths (which occurs throughout history), corinth obviously needed something or someone to quench its rebellious fire. Who knows what it would have done after.

    I think ASCLEPIADES is just when he puts the events he listed into this thread but he is suggesting a moral issue, like hiroshima. the death toll was huge but what if they hadn't? What if Mummius hadn't destroyed Corinth?



  6. I freely grant that the Senate attempted to hold Caesar back, but hold Rome back?? Rome was ruled by a senate for nearly 500 years, during which time a city on the Tiber became the greatest empire of the ancient world. With that track record of "holding Rome back", Caesar should have wished that the Senate held him back!


    Indeed, my mind ran away with my thoughts. Sometimes though, i wish i made a point without a flaw :)

    Now when I look at the facts i don't know what i was on about. Although i still stress that the senate made boundaries for Rome that an imperator/emperor does not have.



  7. I just had a look at your profile, and it's coming up fine on my computer screen. But I think I can see what you mean from that screen capture you took. There must be something funny going on with your computer. Try exiting and deleting cookies, then come back and see if that fixes anything?


    -- Nephele


    No success, oh well if everyone sees it fine, i suppose it's not to much to worry about then.

    Any other suggestions welcome nonetheless.



  8. I believe the Trojan War did take place. The Lion Gate at Mycenae is said to be built to celebrate Spartan victory over Troy, is it not? Anyway, Homer's wooden horse was probably just a tale, also the story of the beautiful Helen.


    Homer was blind and as you suggest couldn't have seen how beautiful Helen was in the first place. If Troy did happen, i would guess that helen did exist though. The horse must be fake if Odysseus is.

  9. A ready made wig would perhaps be an easier mechanical confection.


    I agree, if not a wig maybe a clip of that certain style. Also remember it may haev been held together inside by wood or metal clips or poles or anotehr such derivative. Also these sculptures may have ben exaggerayed to make the woman seem to be mroe fashionable.



  10. Weren't there sword tournaments and competitions in Legions/ The army and out for years before and after, gladiator competitions are just extension of sword competitions right? Every soldier would like to think they are better than their comrades.

    I think Caldrail has hit the nail on the head when he says the Etruscans are an influence not the direct ancestor of gladiatorial combat.

    Klingan said that they started at funerals which could be definitely true as the Romans had gladiators fight at funerals. However this thought ocuured to me, why would you pant an image of a gladiator fight if it was public or part of average everyday life. As a funeral marks something important i would have expected it to be depicted.

    Any thuoghts on mine?



  11. I suppose like all languages Italy ahs been widely influenced from he whole world, especially when the Vatican is a holy site for many culturely different catholics.

    However many names aren't that different though.

    The football referee: Pierre-Luigi Collina

    has Collina for his surname which although isn't a latin name it is derived from a latin word collis (hill)

    Most italian names are now latin words rather than latin names



  12. I have long hair to my shoulders and know how much my head sweats from wearing the cricket helmet in the Australian heat :) . However in the coldness of England it is invaluable on keeping my ears warm. I suppose if a roman was to have had long hair, they would either be considered different and expressive as a result or simply abused for it?


    ty for reply Pertinax



  13. For example i'm called Vibius Tiberius Costa because when I was small I always thought Tiberius was the coolest name and Vibius Costa is the name of someone (to do with my career). So i scrapped the gens rule and stuffed Tiberius in there.


    Anyway I'm curious. Especially about names that make little sense. eg Viggen are you really naming yourself after a Saab, why? etc



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