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Everything posted by Crispina

  1. Oops. I guess I did post this in the wrong forum originally. Sorry! Crispina - I've read that the books are very good. The Gears have written a ton. I'd be interested if others have read them as well... In addition to Rome, I am very interested in pre-conquest and conquest-era Mexico, Central and South America. I believe these are focused on North America... J I may try to find the first book of the series at the library.
  2. I learn something new every day. http://hubpages.com/hub/Hopscotch
  3. Wonderful. How exciting it would be to see all this in person. Thanks for sharing.
  4. I wondered if this had been posted before! Oh well, glad you still find it funny. Izzard is a scream.
  5. Oops. I guess I did post this in the wrong forum originally. Sorry!
  6. While browsing KMart's book shelves today I saw six books in this series, the first being People of The Wolf. Has anyone read this series? They are written by two authors by the name of Gear - Katherine was one? I even looked it up but now have forgotten that quickly. Apparently there are about 20 books in the series. Almost bought the 1st. (POTW) for $4.99, but put it back. Reviews I read online were mixed.
  7. Off topic, but I used to be HUGE fan of Eros Rammazzotti - have a dozen or more of his CDs. It was a fun "love affair", I must get those out and listen to them again. I mention Eros because I clicked on one of the other videos on the site that has Adriano (whom I've never heard of) and Eros singing a duet.
  8. Crispina

    Simon Scarrow

    I agree, I'm only on chapter 5 and this time I like the book right away.
  9. Crispina

    Simon Scarrow

    It came in the mail today, so ready to begin The Gladiator tonight. The Centurion ended with all three characters, Macro, Cato and Julia arm in arm skipping into the sunset. Someone mentioned The Gladiator has an abrupt ending, I'm very curious to see what this book is all about. If you don't mind my silly reviews or I should say comments, I'll post back later.
  10. No way I could ever attend, but how I would LOVE to. So hoping people respect the countryside as the article suggests and don't damage anything. The soldiers who built the wall could never have imagined such a thing happening so many years in the future. Or maybe they did.
  11. I sent the link to my nephew. He will get a kick out of seeing this ancient Swiss Army Knife, thanks for posting it Artimi. Do you suppose the "wealthy traveler" dropped it and lost the knife or was it stolen from him? Makes one really imagine doesn't it? I don't think the article mentioned where it was found.
  12. The pictures are wonderful. So glad you shared the link. Very nice, I watched all the videos and viewed the photos from the links you posted. It's all so interesting and exciting to me. Thank you again.
  13. The pictures are wonderful. So glad you shared the link.
  14. Coming on in 15min. here. I don't want to watch, but ....can not .... resist......fluffering.
  15. Very interesting and beautiful. Thanks for sharing.
  16. I watched it last night (rerun of 1st.episode). One question......don't they get COLD? I mean really, I know barbarians are tough but come on, it was blowing cold and snow right? Of course I guess in the heat of passion you can make love right out there in the elements, snort. Too much blood, altho done very well; but I'm just coming off reading the Under The Eagle series. I've had quite enough of that thank you very much. And I swear I heard someone mention a guy named "Cawto". Have I been mispronouncing "Cato" all this time?? Or is that just the British accent there? I agree with everyone who mentions the film "300". Pretty similar at times.
  17. At least I learned a new word (the name of a job that I had no idea exists) from this review Fluffer! Hahaha! I knew what that is! (Don't ask.) -- Nephele Hey, I've watched the that show "Real Sex" for a number of years now. I know what it means too. After seeing previews of Spartacus B &S, I decided I wasn't going to watch; but after reading this review how can I resist at least one episode?
  18. If the story had broken around 1 April I would have been tempted to wonder if it was a joke and they were trying to pull the 'udder' one.... As to how they would taste with a side order of fries unless you were careful I suspect it would be more of a case of them having any prospective dinners without the side order I wouldn't take a chance on attempting to butcher one of those monster cows. The steaks are too high. -- Nephele I can't believe you said that.
  19. Crispina

    Simon Scarrow

    Phffft. Just ignore another stupid question. I was under the impression this book came out in paperback in May of 2009. I've pre-ordered it.
  20. Crispina

    Simon Scarrow

    Gladiator in paperback seems to be difficult to find. Amazon says it's on back order, and other sellers want $20 and over. I found one seller advertising the paperback for $9.84 with free shipping even to the USA, but also notes: "16 days to go Preorder here". I contacted the seller for more info. Does it sound like the book isn't available from them until 16 days from now? Here's the website. Wonder if I should just take a chance and order it from them? http://www.bookdepository.com/book/9780755...9/The-Gladiator
  21. Crispina

    Simon Scarrow

    I ordered a copy of Centurion online from Woody's Books, a paperback. Plus shipping it was $16.20. I couldn't find it anywhere in my area (which supermarket did YOU find it in?) and Amazon had it but only on back order. Should be here this weekend or Monday. Hee hee, the red crest of Macro's helmet got burned to a crisp. I've enjoyed the story of "Centurion", sadly I'm almost finished which means there is only one book left. They are still having a stand-off with the rebels from within the citadel, and at this point I'm not really sure what is going to happen except reinforcements will, as usual, arrive in time. I think every book in this series ends with help arriving "just in the nick of time". But, that's ok. And will Cato finally get a girl? I'm guessing yes. Gladiator in paperback seems to be difficult to find. Amazon says it's on back order, and other sellers want $20 and over. I found one seller advertising the paperback for $9.84 with free shipping even to the USA, but also notes: "16 days to go Preorder here". I contacted the seller for more info. Does it sound like the book isn't available from them until 16 days from now?
  22. Crispina

    Simon Scarrow

    I ordered a copy of Centurion online from Woody's Books, a paperback. Plus shipping it was $16.20. I couldn't find it anywhere in my area (which supermarket did YOU find it in?) and Amazon had it but only on back order. Should be here this weekend or Monday.
  23. Very jealous. Have a good and safe trip.
  24. You'll find JGolomb's announcement here: http://www.unrv.com/forum/index.php?s=&amp...st&p=101527 It appears that you will need to do a few things beforehand, in order to participate in the chat. Instructions can be found here: http://romanhistorybooksandmore.freeservers.com/chatroom.htm -- Nephele Ok. Thanks. Now I remember about that download of Google Talk. Not sure I want to download an IM software, besides can't tell if it's free or not. Suppose it is, IMs usually are. Thanks Nephele. JGolomb, did you get to participate in the book discussion?
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