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Everything posted by Lost_Warrior

  1. In the brownish bar beneath the ad at the top of this page click "my controls". On the left side, in the menu, scroll down to "Personal Profile". Click "Edit Avatar Settings". There you have a choice to pick one from the galleries, upload your own or link one from a site like Photobucket. Make sure it's no more than 64x64 pixels and 20KB in size, and either .jpg, .gif, .jpeg, or .png and you'll be good to go!
  2. Wow Vig, sorry I missed this!!!! Happy birthday!!!
  3. My grandad drinks Yuengling Lager. I'm curious about their Black & Tan. Old Horizontal is made by Victory- I want to try their Storm King stout and their Hop Devil ale.
  4. I'm starting to wonder how people drink that "pale sh*t". Hehe Though there are a couple of ales I want to try. Stout is just sooooo pretteeeeee. I've heard about Murphy's. If I see any around here (anything other than Yuengling, Bud, Miller and Coors is kinda hard to find here) I'll give it a try.
  5. A woman who looks like Guinness? Have you been into it tonight to Ursus? What I had was Draught in a can. I'd like to try the Extra Stout. At some point, I hope to make it to Dublin and try REAL Guinness. Hehe. I hope I can come by some on tap on St. Paddy's day.
  6. Happy Birthday!!! Have some Don't get too .
  7. ...On Guinness Draught, yea!!! I never liked beer. I had about three drops of Honey Brown Lager when I was younger- and swore off beer forever. But I was determined to find at least one beer that was tolerable. There were a few (like, three) that I really wanted to try. Guinness was one of them. I had to try three different places to find a four pack of Guinness Draught cans- and pay through the nose for them. But I actually like it! No, love it! I like the smell, the color, the taste, everything! My only disappointment is the 'feel' of it- from all reports I was expecting something much thicker and creamier...though I guess if you're used to light "beer" or some such, this might well be very 'heavy'. I also wish it kept its head better. Mine is almost headless and I've only drank half the pint. The Beer Fairy has been leaving gifts of Old Horizontal Barleywine Ale (read: Ass Kick Beer) in my car at work. That stuff is awesome. I highly recommend it. Judging how I took to Guinness, and Barleywine, I'm guessing I should never touch light "beer" with a twenty foot pole. There are a few others I want to try- ales and stouts. And I'm genuinely curious about a few of the "big name" beers (Genny cream ale and Yuengling Black & Tan) but they don't top my list of things to try - they're probably cheaper than the stuff I currently enjoy, though, which is a big plus. My love of wine got off to a great start, and promptly ended- I'm allergic to the stuff. Both red and white- so I'm guessing it's the sulfites. *cries*
  8. Ah, OK, I misunderstood. I thought you meant that they had to use broken glass, that it was somehow impossible to make new- not that those particular localities just didn't have the ability to make it themselves.
  9. If this is true (and I'm not saying it's not) how was the first glass made? How is the growing demand for glass met?
  10. I personally have a piece of what is (claimed to be) Ancient Roman glass. It's set into a bracelet. It's got the iridescent sheen on it, of course, but it was obviously at one point, clear. Roman Glass
  11. I had thought that the oracles were the ones who read/interpreted the books?
  12. I personally think that the Roman sculpture very much reflects the Roman values at the time.
  13. It's good! Cold, no real flavor, just...sour bite. I wasn't expecting it to be that dry (I haven't had Cabernet Sauvignon to date that I knew what it was. Never met a wine I didn't like though, honestly.) and I licked a few spilled drops off my fingers and at first thought it had already turned to vinegar, even though I hadn't opened the bottle. I let it sit about ten minutes in the glass (rest went back in the fridge post haste). It's turning delicious as it warms up. It's Barefoot Cellars Cabernet Sauvignon. And it's a gorgeous color!
  14. Wow I missed this thread somehow! Thanks guys!!!
  15. I think everything tastes different when cold. I noticed this last night with a glass of Carolan's. Most people, it seems, like to put it on ice- I didn't have any ice but noticed a distinct "twang" that will forever make me think of NyQuil when I first tasted it (chilled out of the fridge.) Once it started to warm up? The "twang" virtually disappeared. It's good cold, but great at almost room temp. It is. (Of course it has to be refrigerated to keep it from spoiling once opened.) The wine I currently have is Cabernet Sauvignon (I think.) I'll try it cold then let you know how different it is as it warms up. I wish wine kept better and wasn't so "finicky". A bottle of Carolan's is Carolan's forever in the fridge for about six months. Wine on the other hand.... And don't worry, snobs of all kinds give me snobbish looks.
  16. I think a lot of it may be temp- and really, as long as it takes me to drink a glass of wine (2 hours! LOL) By the end it is quite warm- and the taste is different. Of course, that same wine, already starting to turn the next day...*laughs* Still tasted good, but, not the same. (And this stuff was recommended to be refrigerated by the manufacturer.) I've got a glass of Carolan's here, it would be better with ice (which I don't have) but it's delicious! And it keeps being Carolan's for six months in the fridge. I like that. It's not picky.
  17. I'd only ever heard that it breaks down tannins from you and one other person. My mom had never heard that before, either. Even the guy at the liquor store said to refrigerate it. I think I'll leave the bottle I have in the fridge, now, because putting it in and taking it out CAN'T be better for it than leaving it in. Since I'll probably open it tomorrow anyhow, and then, it won't keep very long unrefrigerated in this house I'm sure. I LOVE wine, but it doesn't keep long, and it's 'finicky'. I have a bottle of Carolan's out there. It comes with instructions and lasts six months once opened. Easy!!! I like!!!
  18. Will it actually hurt red wine to store it in the fridge? (store, not age. I am not planning on keeping it longer than a week- I've got a bottle in the fridge now and as soon as I get one of those bottle stopper things I'm going to drink it.) I've read various places, and been told, that it's fine to do so (and honestly, after a trip from CA to PA in a non-environment controlled truck/train/etc. I can't see how a few days in the fridge will kill it.) Then I've also been told "no, no, no don't EVER do that!!! It breaks down the tannins! Arrgh!!!" So...which is right? And for someone like me who just happens to like drinking wine- does it matter?
  19. This stuff is 'going south' (as we say) already. I'll be having three drinks tonight, but I'm finishing this bottle up. And not buying this again. It's GOOD- I recommend it for a party or something where the bottle will be finished the day you open it. Don't expect it to keep. Sheesh. *has a sad*
  20. I've just finished that glass of wine that I've been nursing for two hours. LOL A certain someone is convinced he's going to get me drunk, I don't know how he'll manage. Contemplating another glass of wine.
  21. Ugh. People around here pass on the right to make a right on red. Or pass on the left while I'm making a left hand turn. Assholes. Glad you're OK!
  22. I normally don't do tests like this, but this one was just too good to pass up. Funny I only scored "moderate" as a heretic, when I'm not even Christian! The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Fifth Level of Hell! Fifth Level of Hell The river Styx runs through this level of Hell, and in it are punished the wrathful and the gloomy. The former are forever lashing out at each other in anger, furious and naked, tearing each other piecemeal with their teeth. The latter are gurgling in the black mud, slothful and sullen, withdrawn from the world. Their lamentations bubble to the surface as they try to repeat a doleful hymn, though with unbroken words they cannot say it. Because you lived a cruel, vindictive and hateful life, you meet your fate in the Styx. Here is how you matched up against all the levels: Level | Score Purgatory | Very Low Level 1 - Limbo | Low Level 2 | High Level 3 | High Level 4 | High Level 5 | High Level 6 - The City of Dis | Moderate Level 7 | High Level 8- the Malebolge | High Level 9 - Cocytus | Low Level descriptions: http://www.4degreez.com/misc/dante-inferno-information.html Take the test: http://www.4degreez.com/misc/dante-inferno-test.mv
  23. Thanks for that Ursus and Nephele (I'm still reading I just don't have anything to add.) Caesar, that's an interesting thought about Phaeton. (At least in some sources, Phaeton is the son of Helios, not Apollo. That's an interesting subject as well.)
  24. There was even a Saint Lucifer. (I find that especially amusing).
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