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Blog Comments posted by Lost_Warrior

  1. What was your objection to the pledge?


    My objection (other than the fact that I do NOT believe that this country stands "for liberty and justice for all"...) was that I consider something of that nature...worded that way in particular to be a VERY SERIOUS thing to say. Not something to be taken lightly...and had I been encouraged to think about what it was that I was saying, I would have given it a lot more thought.


    But, I said it without knowing what it was I was saying, for years, before I had the experience to understand that it should be something that is taken seriously. I had basically been pledging to uphold *something* without knowing what it was that I was pledging to uphold; and when I came to understand what, exactly that meant, to me it meant that I had some sort of obligation to uphold what I had previously pledged.


    My objections aren't to the pledge itself, exactly, they are to the fact that children are encouraged (or, when my mom and grandmom were in school, *forced*) to pledge something without any real knowledge of WHAT they are pledging.

  2. It's just a new confirmation of the view that I have adopted which essentially states that forced mass schooling in the United States was designed from its very beginnings not to educate, but to manufacture human resources using a pragmatic, institutional 'machine' which by its very nature lacks any empathy or conscience.


    **grins** I got along well in school, much to others' dismay, at times, because I refused to be "manufactured" into a human sheep. I lucked out, and for the most part got teachers who WANTED me to think independently and encouraged me to "break the mold". I don't think that those teachers were representative of the views and intents of the school system in general however.


    When I was quite young, they *tried* to make me "fit" and when I refused, they had no choice but to deal with me. :blink:


    The example that comes to mind of the schools' "indoctrination" at this point in time is the Pledge of Allegiance. Now, I have absolutely no problem with saying the Pledge of Allegiance in school (and, let it be known, I have no problem with the words "under God" even though I am not Christian). However, I do have a HUGE problem with the fact that children are taught, from kindergarten on, to say the Pledge every day at the start of school. They are taught to say it, without being taught what it means (I had been saying it for a full six or seven years before I was taught what it meant.) They are also taught to say it without, for the most part, being informed that they have a right NOT to say it.


    For those of you not in the States who are unfamiliar with the Pledge it goes like this:


    "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America.

    And to the Republic for which it stands

    One Nation, under God

    With Liberty and Justice for all."


    Now, if you choose to say it, and know what it means, more power to ya! However, when I was old enough to understand, and finally had it explained to me WHAT exactly I had been pledging for 6+ years, I was PISSED. Because, let it also be know, I do not take oaths and pledges lightly...I had been taught to parrot this particular pledge from a very young age...taught that it was "the thing to do"...and ostracized by the other children if I did not say it (I had a habit of just mouthing the words). If I had thought about it, in my younger years, I would not have said it at all.


    Not only do I think that I oughtn't have said it in my younger years, but I don't think ANYONE should be saying it unless they have a pretty good understanding of what they are saying.


    (and that concludes my rant for the day.)

  3. Yeah, my wife is like that. She was responsible for herself and her idiot older siblings, while her parent were, and still are IMO, functioning like kindergarteners. Sort of 'scared straight' by the appalling example set by mom and dad.


    I was responsible for myself in a lot of regards, I had no brothers and sisters to look after. Fortunately only one parent was 'problematic'...the other took good care of me. :lol:


    Still, I'm immensely thankful right now for my best friend who is helping me through all the leftover guilt and trust issues.

  4. In your belief-system, is it possible that maybe one of your gods might have affectionately thought it "funny" to make you fall on your ass and take a bath in grape juice?


    Yes they may have. I don't think anyone caused this, actually, I think it was a case of "slippy fuzzy socks on carpeted stairs" syndrome. I ALWAYS fall down those stairs.


    Jupiter seemed to want to know if I was OK. I heard Morrigan laughing her ass off and Juno just seemed to shake her head. :disgust:

  5. Looking for controversy? I would much more expect that of some others, but not you!


    Honestly I have no opinion whatsoever of Ostara. The holidays that I personally give credence to are Samhain, Yule, Beltane, Midsummer and Lughnasadh. I give passing notice to Lammas (that's the autumnal equinox, right?).


    Ostara I have really no opinion of however I included it because it is a part of the calender, which I only use because it's a convenient way to tell time in the context of divination.

  6. We've got a Morgan spa in our back garden (we have it enclosed in a shoji) and there's not a day that goes by that we don't feel it was well worth the investment.


    I'm jealous. No really, I am! :yes:


    What is it with you and blood-letting? I'm surprised you haven't sent him a gallon of leeches already!


    Leeches are a damn good cure for hunger. No really!


    step 1) put leech on hook

    step 2) catch bass

    step 3) cook and eat bass


    See? :disgust:

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