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What evil regimes (real or fictional) do you most dislike?

Guest GBaxter

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Guest GBaxter

EXCLUDING the Roman Empire, what disliked current, recent or historic / ancient evil regime/s (be they real ones and / or also any fictional ones written about in any books) would you most like to topple or have toppled and please say HOW you reckon you would or would've (seriously or humorously) successfully gone about doing or achieving it ?


Anything mentioned, doesn't have to only be a historic - ancient, or politically related regime, but can be social, business, computer, technological, religious ir economic related, etc.

Edited by GBaxter
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Sauron - and before him Morgoth.


Currently the Bush administration in the USA - but that's just a passing thing!!



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The Catholic Church.

I don't mean catholics in general or even priests as individuals. I mean the organisation that is supposed to be spiritual but operates like a multi-national business conglomerate.

It actually retains top quality attorneys and as a 'slush fund' for defending Pedophile priest's, sometimes by the character assassination of the actual victims! If that doesn't add insult to injury...... Its a million miles away from the teachings of Christ despite its entire existence being , supposedley, for the purpose of spreading his teachings.


For a thousand years (plus) it as evolved into an evil political entity using the threat of excommunication to strong arm nations into towing the partry line. In effect issuing a 'contract' Elizabeth 1 in order to attempt to put a catholic back on the throne of England.

Henry VIII broke from the Vatican over its refusal to grant him a divorce (usually little more than a formality for people of his rank except, in this case, the power of the King of Spain (kin to Catherine of Aragon - the woman he wished to divorce) held more influence over the Pope.


They refused to acknowledge Robert the Bruce has king of Scots because the leader of the recently disempowered foreign occupying colonial power (Homosexual Edward II, King of England) ensured greater wealth for the Vatican than the Bruce could hope to. He was even excommunicated at one point.


And to even mention the 'sale of indulgences' (in effect buying immunity for a mortal sin such as murder BEFORE it was actually done! "I'm considering murdering my neighbour so I can buy his land cheaply from his backwards son. How much for a 'get out of hell free card') is to accept that corruption was the norm to such a degree that it was standardized practice.


But all this was centuries ago, right?

When the FBI searched the house of Joe 'Bananna's' Bonanno (the leader of the Mafia family that controlled the flow of heroin into north America throughout the 50s, 60 and 70's) they found a framed certificate in latin hanging on his living room wall. When it was translated it turned out to be a decree/promise that, upon his death, he would go directly to heaven, withouit delay or detour (i.e purgatory). This was in the 1960s and it was signed by an actual Pope! If anyone deserved hell it was a man who had made himself obscenely wealthy by importing heroin into the communities of fellow Catholics where children robbed their own mothers to buy a temporary relief from the horror of withdrawal. Instead he had a certificated promise of priority acceptance through the pearly gates.

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The Star Wars Republic Rebels,there just a bunch of Terrorists :suprise:


They refused to acknowledge Robert the Bruce has king of Scots because the leader of the recently disempowered foreign occupying colonial power (Homosexual Edward II, King of England) ensured greater wealth for the Vatican than the Bruce could hope to. He was even excommunicated at one point.


Robert the Bruce was excommunicated for killing his rival to the Scottish throne,John 'the red' comyn in the Greyfriars Church Dumfries,Scotland 1306.

When Edward Longshanks was ill the Bruce and Comyn saw there chance of getting a independent country,It was impossible to get it when Longshanks was still alive but his son was a weaker creature.The two men made a deal with each other,"Give me your lands and you shall be King or i'll give you my lands and i'll be King",Comyn choose to take the Bruce's Lands so Robert was supposed to get the throne.But Longshanks recovered from his Illness and went about his Scottish affairs in his usual manner.

With Longshanks recovery Comyn got nervous,very nervous,he told Longshanks about the deal he and the Bruce had made but Longshanks suspicious to the last waited to see the documentary evidence from Scotland.When the documents arrived he invited the Bruce to his English court for a Banquet,he treated him well hiding his true intentions to chop him up into little bits but at the banquet was a old friend of the Bruce,the Earl of Gloucester.The earl sent the Bruce a gift of a set of silver Spurs,the Bruce took the hint and immediatly fled back to Scotland where he killed John 'the red' Comyn in the Church.

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"The Vast Wrong Wing Conspiracy" must go. Render them to staten island. Tear the bridges down. Force 'em to drive down hylan boulevard on icy days with ann coutey directing traffic. Force the few survivors to listen to their twaddle for a month and then turn them over to Dr. Kevorkian.



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Do you know, GO, I didn't understand a single word of your post!! :naughty::suprise::rolleyes:

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"The Vast Wrong Wing Conspiracy" must go. Render them to staten island. Tear the bridges down. Force 'em to drive down hylan boulevard on icy days with ann coutey directing traffic. Force the few survivors to listen to their twaddle for a month and then turn them over to Dr. Kevorkian.




Sorry, Phil, that was very rude of me.


"The Vast Wrong Wing Conspiracy." ~ "The Vast Right Wing Conspiracy." = A term used by Mrs. Hillary Clinton, when she was First Lady, to describe the vulgarian persecutors, slanderers and libelers of her husband, the last elected president of the U.S.


Staten Island is a borough of NYC whose denizens are mostly conservatismistics (a Bush neologism). Aside from ferries and such (which can easily be dealt with by any group of kids from Brookfordshiresexingham), one must cross a bridge to alight on its shores. Hylan Boulevard is the islands main artery. The inhabitants each know that this is their personal property and thus may maniacally tool over it as they please.


"ann coutey" ~ "Anne Coulter" = The skinny, scaly bag of bones who plays with her long tresses and flashes her legs to excite the concupiscent appetites of her acolytes whilst belching her 'wrong wing' bile on TV talk shows. Between the maniacs and her proto-moron thinker, she would severely increase the business of morticians.


If the remaining subjects of this post had to listen to their own belchings, they would elect to commit suicide. Dr. Kevorkian used to help people obtain this objective in Michigan.


Any better?



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Result: No oil problem; no Castro, Chavez, Morales, Tito, Lumumba, Nicaragua, Guatemala, etc., etc., et al.


But a hugely negative and immoral legacy that would simply have stored up greater troubles for the future. And hardly realistic.


I hope you are being ironic GO, though I see no sign of it in your post.




Dearest Phil:


Not merely ironic, but sarcastic. If you haven't noted that this is my style in my posts and blogs, then you should read my very first substantial blog. Nonetheless, both you and another party left out a few steps in your histories.


Did you 'get' my explanation above?



Edited by Gaius Octavius
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