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Antiochus of Seleucia

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Everything posted by Antiochus of Seleucia

  1. Check out my new sig, I plagerized that phrase because it is so awesome and the author is unknown!
  2. Wow. OMG. Antarctica is a big place of water... and poor eskimos, will they go extinct? Icicle people... ...was that for real?!?
  3. Absolutely, denarius is the root of Dinar, Dinara, etc. Additionally, the British L.s.d. designation (the L represents the pound sign which we yanks do not have on our keyboards) is an abbreviation of the original Latin: libra, solidus, and denarius That's awesome. Any idea about the second bill?
  4. Well, as of late, I have become interested in money after I got an "Investing for Teenagers" book for christmas from my aunt and uncle. Today I began collecting info on government bonds I own, ect. Well, I dug out an old fire-resistant lock box from the back of my closet that I'm going to use to store my stuff in. Inside I already had my coin collection. I was curious and went through all my old coins and bills. I have various pieces of money from many, many different countries, but with my newfound Roman knowledge, two pieces stood out remarkably: The first is 100 Bosnian Dinara... Question: In plate 1 it is called a Dinara. Does this word have any connection whatsoever to the old Roman Denarius? (Denarii) The second bill is a Ukranian dollar... or whatever they call it. Now, I have no idea who the 'king' in plate 3 is, since I can't read it, but what really caught my eye was the ruins in plate 4. They look a lot like Roman ruins. I see columns... what do you think? If they are... I do know ancient Ukraine was somewhat outside the Roman sphere, except maybe the sliver bordering the Black sea.
  5. If we find nice Italian women, I'll pay for you and for me...because they can cook. I think we have a deal! Edit: I am going to Italy in two years as soon as I turn 18... start saving up.
  6. Here among the cheese fields are Germans/Poles of the New Immigrants of the 1890's-1900's, and as I type waves of Hmong and Mexicans are arriving and settling in the nearby city. I found out myself that Italian women :wub: were quite lovely. If :mummy: wants to come with, he is more than invited, but he gets to help pay! @ Moonlapse- The Swede recieved about 8 rounds of applause for his comments. He swore in Switz because he thought it was funny we couldn't in school. Also thought it was really funny how strictly the cops enforce laws regarding alcohol- he merely asked, "What's wrong with beer?!" I also learned most Euros get a 2-hour lunch... they were horrified that we get 30 mins! They were a blast.
  7. Yesterday the Rotary Forum passed through our school. For those of you who don't know what the Rotary Club is, it's basically very similar to a foreign exchange student program. Speaking to us that day were: A student from Wisconsin sent to the Czech Republic, a girl from Malaysia, a (rather attractive) girl from Italy, a guy from Brzil, one from Mexico, Spain, Russia, Sweden, and South Korea. It was amazing. First of all, Italian is a beautiful language. The guy from Spain had that awesome castillian lisp, and the Russian guy was just plain cool. After the forum was over, I went over and talked to the Italian girl. She lives in Milan (Mediolanum), Lombardy. I asked her where the most beautiful place in Italy is. She told me to go to Naples, Campania- I guess I'm going there!
  8. I see it says that today is your birthday! Not too much :drunk: that you can't get to work tomorrow! G'day!
  9. Indeed! http://www.deepthoughtsbyjackhandy.com/ Amazing....
  10. You might like the movie -Beerfest. It's pretty dumb, but that's what makes it funny... and there's a lot of beer.
  11. You've got good taste Julius. Gaius... oh nvm. Ursus, I don't exactly know your tastes, but here's a live song of a song I like. It sounds the best if you have the recorded version though. - Muse
  12. I've taken a sudden interest in investment after my aunt and uncle bought me a book on the subject.
  13. Not implying anything... but I thought this would fit somewhere... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D6nDust1Icc
  14. Umm... yeah, let's see... the complete nut/"leader" of Iran publicly expressed his want of the destruction of the Jewish populace. I wonder what he might use a nuke for...? If I was living in Isreal, I would be kind of afraid too. DUH. Ever hear of the Cuban Missle Crisis? No kidding.
  15. I wrote this short story last year in my advanced history class. The other week I was taking a test; some random person walked in the class and handed me this envelope. Inside was my story, and a paper telling me to edit my story- the history department wants to publish it in their next book about the 1920's. The following selection, researched and written by me, is about the Red Scare of the 1920's. Special Thanks: Mr. Blanchard, English Teacher, Mechanics/Other Editing Mrs. Kemp, English Teacher, Mechanics Editing Patron Gaius, Master of Inglish, Mechanics Editing o--o--o--o--o--o--o--o--o--o--o--o--o--o--o--o--o (Note: UNRV Blog took out all my indents, bear with me.) IT was a rather dreary morning - hazy and damp. I looked out the window into the sky. The clouds seemed to make everything out there gray and dark. I put on my work clothes, grabbed my lunch, and headed out into the muddy mess outside my shack for work. I worked at the Black Diamond Steel Mill in Nevada. I hated it, but there was no other job around, and I am particularly good with steelworks. "Hey! Let's go!" yelled my friend Randy. Randy had been asking for Sunday off on behalf of the workers. The bigwigs that run the place sent threatening notes. We couldn't prove it was them, but we knew. These kinds of people don't like unions, and they didn't want to pay for our hard work. Randy and I walked to work together over the muddy ground, away from our little
  16. Thanks guys. The Military Laws from Ruffus came about after the Roman Empire was Christianized, so I can see how this punishment would be enforced, if they were caught.
  17. Unfortunately my views on alcohol will put me in a small social crisis about that age you described above, WW, because I live in the heart of New Deutchland-Ten-Bars-on-every-street-College-parties-are-known-for-insane-amounts-of-beer. My state was the last one to raise the legal age, and only because the Federal Dept of Transportation was threatening to cut highway funding.
  18. Personally, I don't like consuming poison, and I think it tastes bad, so you probably won't be seeing me drink a lot of it...
  19. YAY! I'm so going to go get it now!
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