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Antiochus of Seleucia

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Everything posted by Antiochus of Seleucia

  1. The problem is that it is physically impossible to improve fossil fuel use, the laws of thermodynamics prevent us from being any more efficient than we already have it. Efficiency = Work(output) / Q(heat) --- Deriving this equation to fit the problem would make it Eff = 1 - (Qc(output temp) / Qh(input temp)) The wider the temp gap, the more efficient the system. (Thermal Engines are abhorrently innefficient) Standard steam to turbine temp is around 561*k-- any hotter and water becomes corrosive Standard steam output temp is around 373*k --100*F, the water must stay in a vapor state. Therefore eff= 1 - (373 / 561) = .335 eff @ ideal = 33.5% (this of course doesn't include all the shortcomings listed above.
  2. First, dear patron consul, you need friends. They will go in your friends list once you get some. If you need picture assistance, do call. AoS, Cos. Edit: You liar! You have friends in your list! (I for one!) To add, go to the persons name (above their avatar), bring down the combo box (tab with the little arrow) and click 'add to friends'.
  3. To add to Bryaxis' statement, there were also small arenas, probably wood, sometimes stone, usually built off the funds of a wealthy contributor wanting to make a name for himself.
  4. Global warming is all over the news. Anywho, I almost cried today in my physics class when we calculated the efficiency of a standard coal power plant. It's around 25% NOT including energy required to transport the coal, energy to maintain itself, energy dissipated through lines, and reduction of efficiency due to moving parts/friction within the plant's thermodynamic system. :'(
  5. At first thought, my eyebrows scrunched thinking of what was probably inside those bags... then I clicked the link and relieved myself of that thought.
  6. Hah! Are you now leaving me as the second-youngest guy here? Have a great day, not too much ethanol!
  7. You can tell when a site rises to greatness when it gets a kick @ss new layout. I love all the little things that have been added too, like in the profile section for instance. Great job!
  8. I'll allow myself the privilege of leaving your first comment.

  9. That last sentance made me smile. ^_^
  10. Women, can't live with them, can't live without them. But that's besides the point.
  11. It is sad. It really is. America has had its share of union problems, albiet an extremely lesser degree. Yet, I find it interesting of how critical many foreigners are of us, about their problems. All 4,000 of those murders are most definitely our fault, and... you get the point. I'll spare everyone the rant. I'm going to bed. So much for comparing Rome to the United States...
  12. Well, last night I got this neato little game, C&C Generals. Yeah, it's dated now, the new one just came out, but hey--it's fun! So I basically played it all last night and this morning. All of a sudden......... I think, "Wow, I need to go do something productive." Is it normal to feel like I'm being a waste of society on my spring break?!?!? Ahg. American work ethos.
  13. The Admiral gave Japan three months. He was educated in America (I forget the college) and knew our economic system. Lo and behold, he was right. Where may I see this for myself?
  14. Crassus and Antiochus are walking down State Street when they come upon a church. Crassus looks up at the steeple. "How do you get them up there?!"
  15. Basically, the last "Roman" army was made up of German mercenaries. They revolted in 476 and the West was gone.
  16. High prices and low wages was a dominant factor in starting the Great Depression. Correct me if I am wrong, but if a company is doing well and have high prices, don't they raise wages from the surplus cash they are recieving to boost buying power? MPC, what do you make of the quote, "Europeans work to live; Americans live to work." I have heard Europeams and Americans say that.
  17. Sheesh, I'm gone for a day and people start having birthdays! Have a great one!
  18. That's why France was conquered in a few weeks. You're joking, right?
  19. Exactly. Exactly. Exactly. Exactly. Exactly. And you can thank Harding for that funny word. Normalcy...
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