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Antiochus of Seleucia

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Everything posted by Antiochus of Seleucia

  1. It's late on a muggy summer night. Thought I'd drop in for a while. You know, catch up a bit. Some things recent to me: My summer greenhouse job ended; I applied at a retailer where I get paid copius amounts extra for knowing spanish. I also applied to the place I got my senior photos taken... a professional photography studio where the artist uses the same photomanipulating software I use-- Photoshop CS2-- and my skills will be put to good use! I re-did my room. Threw out all the garbage and re-arranged everything. Before- Slob American. After- Trendy Spartan Minimalist American. Painting walls coming soon. Just made an account at BookMooch about 5 minutes ago. The 29th of July, Antiochus goes to Minneapolis to see the Warped Tour Concert with his lady-friends. The 2 - 5 of August Antiochus goes to Chicago the Lollapalooza with all of his friends. I <3 Muse. Sometime in the fall, Antiochus will probably go to NEW YORK. This may incur the attention of select individuals! Living is goddam expensive. I got a cellphone. Yay. I don't talk while driving, mind you. The Economist is a wonderful magazine. They send them faster than I can read 'em. I can't think of much more off the top of my head. Enjoy.
  2. What exactly are we peeking at, AofS? -- Nephele Wow I totally forgot the link! Silly me and being distracted! Latin- The Easy Way Thank you my dear Nephele.
  3. May some of our esteemed Latin users take a peek at this and tell me if it's for real? If so, I'm going to take a serious look into this!
  4. Antiochus drops in so everyone knows he still exists... but Antiochus thinks the party is starting to die off a bit... so he reinvigorates it by making it a... COMMUNIST PARTY!
  5. I'd say Soviet and American intervention. Here's a question for you... what are the differences/similarities of Russia's current terrorist problems and our own? True, true... however, our intervention was probably more monetary aid than anything. We don't see terrorists running around with M-16s. Russian terrorism? I haven't read up on it very much, but if my memory serves me, I believe it is mostly seperatists in outlying regions of Russia, such as the Caucuses. I'm probably wrong, I have yet to read on them.
  6. Tomorrow I have a day off. I've worked after school and on weekends for the last 13 days. Now that AP US is done, the class gets to do pretty much whatever we want. I'm writing a DBQ (Document-Based Question) for the kids in next years class to do. A DBQ is a question a student must answer in a 5-paragraph essay format by reading primary source documents given, and outside knowledge. The question I am asking is: "How effective was the United States government in combating the spread of Communism is post-war Europe?" Cold War is soooooooo cool. Richard Nixon's Seize the Moment is a pretty good book. I've learned and concluded today's terrorism problem is aftermath of Soviet intervention in 3rd world countries. I was born only a year before the Evil Empire fell, so it is very interesting to learn about one of the most elite conflicts in world history. I got "The Economist" magazine. Really freakin' sweet. Ancient history is on the backburner right now... sometime the interest will peak again. Right now Cold War and American Foreign Policy is obsessing me. Don't worry, I still prowl the forums. I need to raise $5000 by next February so I can go to Europe. Damn. Time to go rob a bank.
  7. Ramses Ramses Ramses... you're a bit behind the times... What do you think he uses?
  8. That niche is already taken. The kid that sits behind me in physics class can sell you Spiderman 3 for $10, other movies for $4, and *or* for $2. That's tough competition.
  9. Personally, I don't see anything 'radical' about any of those... in fact, I wouldn't be surprised if sometime soon something of that nature would take off in the U.S. I'd prolly support it too.
  10. I bought Nixon's Seize the Moment for $.75. I got a 28 on my ACT, but would have done a lot better if we had 20 more minutes in several sections. But whatever, I did better than 93% of kids in the U.S. The internet connection went out in the store yesterday and I fixed it. Saved everyone. Saw Spidey 3 yesterday, pretty good movie. I'm brainstorming all sorts of schemes for ways to raise several thousand dollars by next summer so I can go to Europe. Ummm I'm kinda bored. Yeah.
  11. Many many thanks. That was a very helpful link!
  12. Thanks... that really does help!
  13. Are you sure? It doesn't say he does... but nonetheless, if it is, happy birthday o' mysterious!
  14. I have to write this big persuasive essay in my english class this next unit. My preposition is: "The U.S. should stop sending Federal foreign aid and use the money to fund domestic projects." If anyone knows any good books relating to this topic, please tell. Thank you in advance.
  15. Having a fancy-pants title is pretty sweet, isn't it?
  16. Nope, not at all, I can't even follow your writing...
  17. A technicality here, I think - in the political sense British North America didn't win anything, as this was simply a repelled attack from British territory. However, for the people who were defending their homelands, this would have been considered a great victory, especially given the ferocity with which American troops were exercising in that region. The invasion was poorly planned, led, and supplied. Don't entrust an invasion to old hogeys.
  18. Wake up: 6:00AM Leave house for school: 6:30AM Start first class: 6:50AM Leave school, go to work: 1:45PM Begin work: 2:00PM Leave work: 6:00PM Go to review sessions for AP exam May 11: 6:00PM-8:00PM Homework: 8:00PM-11:00PM Rinse and repeat, this is my week.
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