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AoS, maybe they are the ones who fought with the Green Berets during the Viet Nam war.


At least they helped us defend their country. I could have been killed in the incident described in my blog, that would have been a nice thank you for our help. I'm not rascist, or try really hard not to be, but all my opinions are based on my experiences.

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What would define this national or cultural identity? Obviously, English language is a start, but what else?



Family, community, an honest day's work. The rule of law. Basic social freedoms. Free enterprise without corporatist exploitation. A religious life for those so inclined.


I'm sure that seems very basic, but if I walked into a sociology class in a very liberal college, I am sure I would be challenged. "Family is a social construct which discriminates against women and gays." Or something.

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Yes, cultural identity, especially in America, is a difficult thing to tack down, since it changes as each year goes by. You could argue until you were blue in the face about what exactly constitutes an 'Americanized' citizen. Despite it all, almost like some primordial tribal instinct, isn't it easy to pick out folks born in other countries? Anything from an off accent to a slightly different hair style, to wearing your pants wrong. The details don't matter, but what does matter is societal glue. It's human instinct to reject someone not of one's tribe, and when this instinct is triggered it causes societal stress. Day to day we can use our reason to say 'this is just another human, he is no different from me' but not all of us are intelligent nor logical, and even the best of us can let our emotions get the better of us on a bad day. This glue is worth preserving in whatever way you can, because it builds a community spirit and cooperation, which leads to a strong nation. When you admit large populations of people who fall into this 'other tribe' category, you will cause societal instability no matter how illogical it might seem to one's well meaning ideology.

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I just thought of an example of what I mean. Here at work we have a very multicultural company with people of every stripe. We have a number of Chinese scientists here, and they have a speaking pattern that is fast and does not seem to 'take turns' when talking. So when they are speaking in their native tounge its as if they are almost talking over each other on a constant basis. They do this with English a lot too and don't realize that it is considered rude. It took me a long while not to be insulted by this trait, but I now realize that it's just a speaking pattern, not arrogance (most of the time lol).

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America has done a heck of a job putting a roof on immigrants coming in. I think this gives the U.S. a perfect balance beeing in between. In Canada anyone is allowed to come in at will without having to pass a test. When I went up there they were all Indian and Chinese. The sencond language in Ontario is and almost has went from French to Chineses. :D


By the way, the people in Europe don't have much room to talk about our immigration policy.


Such as Kosmo stated:


When Segoline Royale will became president of France I will be so happy! France would have her elegant way to surrender because now they would like that but there is nobody to recive their surrender. And this is because they wanted to be more numerous then the germans and to lead Europe (to the islamic caliphate)

So, you guys in US ar fortunate, West Europe it's under siege.

Sorry for the rant, but this things make me sick.


In 30 years the predicted prodominant religion in France will be Islam! Since the open door policy and riots of picket signs saying, 'Prepare for the real Holocaust' is not enought to wake up the EU, (Europeans Unconcsious) Europe will be over run with its permission! Fascinating how Liberal Europeans lead people to mass immigrate to their nation and how the Middle East Conservative Muslim Brotherhood are kicking Christians and Jews out of Egypt.


Someone made the most sense to a European asking a basic question:


European: So what does Europe have to lose with this mass immigration policy?

Person: Simple, Europe!

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So what can anyone say about the U.S. situation that they haven't heard from mass media?


All I'll say is that I've lived my entire life in places with high immigrant populations and what I've seen is that the ones that retain their identity are indpendent, hard working and appreciative. The ones that assimilate to American pop culture, whatever that is, tend to become as dependent or moreso than the typical citizen. That's the aspect that I won't give up because I didn't get that from a talking head from the Ministry of Newspeak, it came from my own real life.


The situation in Europe? I don't live in Europe and I don't presume to know enough to give my opinion.

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...remember everyone in the USA was at one point an immigrant...


...wasn`t the Irish (in the eyes of the US citizens) the scum of the earth just a hundred and fifty years ago? For more info on the wave of Irish immigration there is an interesting book available How the Irish Became White


...about Europe, don`t worry, we survived the last 3000 years and are doing just fine, we have our ups and downs, but created the western civilzation in the process, and don`t forget YOU Mr. NorthAmerica are an offspring of Europe... :D




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All of us, wherever we live, are the offspring of smart emigrants.

And small Europe survived becuse she fought back not because she surrendered.


I make a distinction between the survival of a nation and that of the state. A state could flourish benefiting from cheap labour and kebab expertise that migrants bring while the "natives" fade in the back seat and from there...


France and Holland are prosperous despite (or maybe because) the large numbers of imigrants, but the prospect of the french and the dutch that created those states and the bases for todays prosperity are not that great.

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