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You And Me And The Bottle Makes 3 Tonight (Baby)

The horoscope roundtable yielded some interesting results. While the first 3 that I read this morning hardly elicited a chuckle from me, this one from Minerva (of all the names! really!) for the week to come by far was the best:     Well, Minerva, and I doubt that's your real name...how is that different than any other week? I often have 'monetary issues'...it's called being broke. The last time I wasn't was....well, um, a long time ago. And for the record, I'm always feeling passionat



Once In A Lifetime

It's happened to all of us...we're in a public place, and over the intercom system plays a song that, for whatever reason, strikes a chord immediately with us. Oftentimes it's a song that transports us back in time.   Yesterday I spent the afternoon at the Giants game, where they not only beat the Padres 3-1, but in doing so they swept the series. In one of the middle innings, in between frames, they played . I could picture David Byrne's sweaty head herking and jerking all over the plac



Every Day Is A Winding Road

The last couple of weeks have turned out to be more action packed than usual. Usual for the beginning of the academic year, that is. Ironically I've been writing more in my hide-away journal, which is the one I write in when I need to work something out in my head (usually emotionally), as well as creative elements for work. Ah, yes, work.   It turns out that many of my colleagues and co-workers know how much work that I do, have noticed the quality of said work, and my lack of full-time em



Brother, Can You Spare A Dime?

I know, I know...two consecutive blog entries...what has gotten into me? Well, a little of this, a little of that. Mostly, it's shame.   I found it interesting that, because of the political in-fighting and stalemate in DC, the national news agencies and some of the local ones have been asking we, the people, to pipe up. They have wanted us to send a message to our Congressional Representatives and Senators, literally, and tell them how their political dueling has affected our lives. I gues



Seven Words You Can Never Say On Television

Dreams can be funny things. Personally, the vivid dreams that I remember are all very linear--they make out like a normal story, just with some interesting elements. But not last night...or was it this morning?   The other odd thing is that I can't remember much of it, most assuredly because of the fact that it was so random. What I do remember is that I was arguing with a guy about something (I can't even tell you what about), while in the background Andrew Dice Clay is doing his "Hickor



You Can't Always Get What You Want...

Wow, I finally finished. It took the better part of 5 weeks of planning, learning, and implementation, but the major summer project was finished as of Friday morning: the Workshop Site.   Ok, I'll explain: like many community colleges (and often in 4-year universities), our college has workshops for those learning and/or improving their English reading and writing skills. Some of the workshops are grammar-based, others are study-skill-based, but they're all open to any student so that they c



Fun Fun Fun (?)

Decisions, decisions. What is a girl to do? I have choices for my weekend entertainment, and even choices regarding who to spend it with.   I'm dying to go to the beach...I haven't been all summer, although I did go in May. But it's not exactly beach weather: foggy, cold, windy. Actually, it's typical beach weather if we were in June. Oh, wait, this is July. Hmmmm...maybe not.   Part of me wants to go to stay home to work on a new project--doing voice overs on PowerPoints for work. Ye



Space Oddity

So, NASA is ending an era with the last space shuttle launch. The 'nauts linked up with the International Space Station, there was good cheer to be had by all, and down here we're supposed to lament and cherish this last bit of space exploration by us 'Mericans for a bit. Hmmmm.   Let's face it, I grew up at the very end of the Cold War, so this 'Space Race' stuff is beyond me a bit. Oh, sure, I love sci-fi movies and stuff, and would love to get a chance to see the earth and everything e



Only The Good Die Young

Hmmmm...I think I'm ok enough to blog for a bit. Hopefully the doctor doesn't balk...eh, hell with it if he does. It's been too long.   June has been an iffy month, oddly enough. Usually there's some major unwind time the first week, followed by a mad dash for cash--be it unemployment insurance (insurance for what? I never did get the name) or a summer job or a series of contracts for various work. And because of the mad flurry of activity at the end of the academic year, that week off u



Radio GaGa

Fellow sports fans, have you ever noticed how a radio or television broadcast of a sporting event can be made or broken solely on the skills and prowess of those calling the game?   There's no question that I learned the game of baseball by listening to Giants' broadcasts on KNBR radio, whether I was at the game or at home. Later, yes, our television announcers fell into greatness, but growing up Hank Greenwald called play-by-play on the radio on our games, plus the national games were called



Should I Stay Or Should I Go?

It's been a while, I know. I was doing well with the weekly blog, but then comes the end of the semester...and the end of year festivities. But, the exams have been corrected, the grades have been awarded (can you really award someone a failing grade?), and I'm in recovery.   Oh, don't worry, this is normal. I usually am cranking and churning out work at such a high rate of speed during finals week, and it takes about a week of moving slowly to 'recuperate'. Nothing gets done quickly, exce



Candle In The Wind

Mothers' Day. This was supposed to be a glorious day. Even though the wind has been howling since last night, the predicted showers stayed away from the City By The Bay. On my way to the Giants' game, I met a gentleman at the train station...a new friend, for now, but who knows. He invited me to join him for breakfast with his friends before the game. After a spirited and gregarious meal with my new friends, I met up with my parents in our seats, and we watched the Giants' new (yet old) pit



Ding Dong, The Witch Is Dead

May Day...not a holiday here so much in the United States, but perhaps now that will change.   My day started out a jubilant one just on general principle. I knew that I didn't have anything to do, and therefore I planned on going to the beach for a much needed respite. It was a gloriously sunny day here, and while it was still springlike and cool in the air temperature, the ocean salt air and the sun at my back made for a wonderful and tranquil day. I came back home a bit early to take in



Here Comes Peter Cottontail

Easter is a time of year when families comes together to eat. At least, that's what I always figured. I mean, we woke up to chocolate in the shape of gold coins, little egg-shaped chocolates, and other surprises that the Easter Bunny would leave for us while we slept. After going to Mass (perhaps the only time we went to Mass on Sunday instead of Saturday evening) when we actually had to wear really, really good clothes, we'd pose for pictures in the garden before a big brunch. Oh, and magic



Bridge Over Troubled Waters

Another long absence. I know, I've missed you guys, too. Well, honestly, for the entire month of March I was so damned busy that I didn't miss anyone...that requires down time, a luxury that I had none of.   The biggest issue lately has been getting colleagues to finish their work. The problem of this situation--mine being uncommon--is that my colleagues had very valid excuses for not getting their part of the projects in question done. One colleague had a family emergency--one of her teen



Jungle Strut

New month! New start! Newly deposited cash in bank account! (This last one being probably the most important.)   These last 6-8 months have been disastrous on me financially. A lack of work combined with clients who pulled out at the last minute meant that I was scrambling for extra cash. Now I think I'm finally in the clear--oh, my proverbial boat didn't exactly come in, but I'm back to full paychecks, and debts have been paid off.   Of course, I need to replace my glasses, my car need



The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow

Up until about a week ago, much of the North American continent was in a very gripping Arctic snap--so bad that it was likened to having a hurricane-type pattern of wave after wave of winter storms. Extreme bitter cold, snow measured in feet...yet on the West Coast we had nothing but gorgeous weather. Sunshine, spring-like temps...in February. Not really normal, although it was somewhat, in that we usually have a week or so of warm weather in this second month on the calendar. But not for li



Little Lion Man

Dammit, Mumford & Sons didn't win at the Grammies. Meh, no accounting for taste, really.   I know, I've been gone a while. Work has been atrocious lately, and the private life has been run topsy-turvy. More details to come at a later point in time.   But I will say this: It's never easy to let someone down, but when you have a floater, well, desperate times call for desperate measures. Why it is that people can't, or perhaps refuse to, understand, I don't know. But if after one or t



Get Back

So...California, that fair state o'mine, has a new governor. Although, it should be pointed out, he's also a former governor; Edmund Gerald 'Jerry' Brown, Jr. was governor for two terms in the 70s, and overall wasn't bad. He also wasn't exactly good, either. His father was governor here for 8 years, too, in the 50s and early 60s.   The Jr. Brown, also known in his previous stint in Sacramento as "Governor Moonbeam," has some legendary characteristics. He's considered a bit of a free spir



Cape Cod Kwassa Kwassa

I'm in a right bouncy mood. It's the fact that I'm half Tigger, half Roo, to be sure. There are just certain days that I wake up and feel the need to bounce around all day, playing gaily and freely.   What to do today...what to do today...   Well, there's a pile of work to be done...but seeing as I have an aversion to work on my birthday, well, that's not exactly an option today.   The apartment does need to be cleaned and the laundry done, but that's not much work, so I'll do that. It



Cienfuegos Tiene Ya Su Guanguanc

Ah...beautiful Cuban son playing in the background...just close your eyes, and you can feel the sun warming you to the core as you sip a mojito...ah...paradise.   *screeeeeech*   Bella! Get off of me! I'm daydreaming in the sun patch on the living room floor! Go get your own sun patch!   Cats...seriously....   Ok, I confess: I'm dreaming of wonderful tropical climes because it's damned cold outside.   Ok, ok, I confess again: I'm a native Californian, and we're weather wusses. Wha



Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer

Just a little more than a day before Christmas, and all through the house, there was plenty of scurrying, but not by a mouse.   Ok, ok, ok...I can't do that...never was that good about reworking classics. But this song in particular has some great memories associated with it.   The song has undergone a 'modernization,' but it's still a good one:   See, when it came out 30 years ago, I was a wee lass, and didn't know of its existence at first. But within a couple of years, it became



Wings of a Dove

Yes, GhostOfClayton, your entry talking about Human League has put me in a right 80s mood. Actually, to be fair, I was listening to a fair bit of Madness, Clash, and others this afternoon before reading the blog, but still.   So, finals are over! Well, for me they are. I had everything graded by last night, 10pm...record time, I might add. Then again, it was pretty clear that many of my students just didn't do so well on the final paper. I mean, sure, it's an in-class essay, but when



Mind Eraser, No Chaser

This truly is the calm before the storm. Relaxing night tonight, after spending the day with a couple of friends. Tomorrow afternoon I head to the parents' place for the evening; we'll be going to the neighbor's farm, which is decked out with Christmas lights and winter wonderland-ness galore. Then a calm Sunday before...the whirlwind.   Monday afternoon: office hours Monday evening: final exam #1 Tuesday mid-morning: final exam #2 Wednesday evening: good friend comes into town Sunday m



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