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Blog Comments posted by Ursus

  1. All of my immediate bosses and fellow supervisors are of the female persuasion, as well as most of my co-workers in general. There are a few I respect but in general I see them as duplicitous, back-biting hormonally challenged wenches that never grew out of high school drama antics.


    And that's a shame, because I love a smart, capable female who knows her stuff and can behave rationally.

  2. When I was 22, I took a ride on a high speed roller coaster. Unfortunately I was too big for the ride (I'm 6'5'') and couldn't sit my back firmly against the seat. The G forces from the roller coaster seriously whacked my vertebrae out of line. They were crushing my sciatic nerve and I was in great pain.


    The local chiropractor used some sort of small device to hit the vertebrea back into place. It was painless and after 3 or 4 sessions I was back to normal. No drugs, no surgery.


    You may want to check into it.

  3. I really missed Pennsylvania, and any thoughts I once had of moving out west are now completely gone. I love this place.


    I'm glad you have returned and are content.


    I have come to the opposite conclusion of you: I tire of Pennsylvania, or at least the southwest part of it. No jobs, no culture, no one worth knowing (aside from immediate relatives). I honestly might move West or South in the coming years.


    Congratulations on your dedication to Morrighan. I really know little about those shadowy Irish deities, but if you're happy then I'm happy for you.

  4. I too have found a home in the past three years. I appreciate the hard work done by everybody, from the Imperator and his two colleagues, all the way down to loyal equestrians.


    If I knew anything about site programming, I would certainly offer to help with reviews and such. As I don't, I guess I shall happily remain the enforcing Praetor. :thumbsup:

  5. Don't worry about not being a bookworm. If you enjoy what you're doing, that is what matters. And blacksmithing probably keeps you in better shape than laying about reading a book.


    I take it you must follow Brigid, the triple Celtic goddess of fire - fire for the domestic hearth, fire for the blacksmith's forge, fire for the poet's heart?

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