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Everything posted by Titus001

  1. Sorry Callaecus you are wrong,The east had very much wealth and was on the silk trade route which parthia was the middle man.And most likely they drove up the prices of silk since they were the middle man between rome and china.
  2. Screw the parthians they are overated, just like knights,most of cavarly armies in my opinion loose to a deciplined infantry or combined arms.
  3. All i got to say about eastern warfare,aka, han china favored horsearchers, and crossbows and missle war fare and mobility,the people at china history forum always putdown the greek and roman style of war saying its backwards to the oriental or aka han china,what a joke. And can someone tell me where i can find the medieval vs roman thread?I cant seem to find it.Its on this forum but i cant find it, your help will be much abliged.THANKS
  4. Medieval armies for the most part were made up by peasants that were not well trained,not well armored and lacked the decipline of the romans,im talking about the infantry about medieval period,For the most part a deciplined infantry will hold the charge of any cavarly.For the most part most medieval armies the only rich elites got the armor and the common person got nothing at all and little training unlike the roman army.
  5. roman infantry in my opinion were better armed better armored and better deciplined then the medieval armies,now talking cavarly medieval armies had the edge in armor,but most battles it comes down to infantry not to mention medieval armies were smaller in numbers.
  6. i dont believe propaganda made by my country about iran,going to war with iran b/c they might make nukes is not a good reason to go to war.ask this,who does this war if it happens benefit?
  7. Maybe the european style of fighting of the romans and europeans in the medieval period were kind of backwards to parthia,han china and the mongols in style of fighting.Mongols, han china and parthia were horsepeople favored hit and run tactics.The romans were a slower type of fighter with heavy infantry supported by cavarly and archers and some artillery.So with a slow army dominated with infantry how would they do against the horse people that favor speed,range and cavarly.
  8. Well what you said caldrail is kind of true about rome with parthia but its mostly a myth that rome stuggled with horse people's.Did parthia ever march on rome and sack its capital?And you say the tactics of parthia were alien to the romans? lol thats kind of funny thats what the pro han people said about rome, that there tactics were backwards to parthia and han china.Parthia did have better cavarly but they lacked siege warfare to take city walls,and its kind of hard to take cities with walls if you dont have siege and also if most of the army is cavarly.
  9. thanks man im new around here
  10. well it wont matter if we fall into monarchy b/c things would not change since we would still have a few number of people ruling over the people.
  11. let me ask this,you think rome would of lasted longer if it would of stayed a republic and not an empire with one single leader like a dictator of emperor? i know its off topic but i wonder about this.
  12. why would rome have a right to the so called civilize it neighbors?I think the celts had a decent civilisation before rome destroyed it and destroyed its history and culture,Sorry i dont by the civilize thing that we were taught,rome would always overblow the things that other cultures did and for the most part painted a one side view on things, rome would invade people b/c rome wanted something they had, examples....dacia and gaul
  13. well if i had to pick a defintive reason why rome went to imperialism it would be 1 i would blame julius caesar since he was the first roman elite that really expanded its borders over really nothing besides personal ambition and greed and maybe for rome and thats a big maybe. 2 its always for money, when you get the money you get the power, maybe thats why caeser invaded gual, maybe he wanted something that they had, look at dacia when rome invaded them, dacia was very rich with gold and silver, rome would always invent reasons to go to war lol just like now....
  14. well i think the real reason julius caesar went into gaul was b/c he was not protecting a gaul tribe like he said but the real reason i think was that gaul had resources that caesar wanted like gold and silver,it goes the same way for dacia when rome invaded them,dacia had gold and silver so i guess u can say rome invaded people over greed,money= power
  15. i love the series but they need to do one on china. i would like them to do a show on han china b/c it was one of the biggest empires in history and it was just as big as rome and also in power
  16. i just seen terry's show and one thing i have to say he was almost as biased to the romans as the roman writers were to barbarians kind of ironic,but in a way it was a funny show
  17. All i got too say about parthia is did they ever march on rome and take rome's gold?No, they did not,the reason for this is b/c you cant take city walls when your army is mostly made up by horsearchers and knights,the romans on the other hand sacked parthias capital 3 or 4 times i think.
  18. Rome total war is a great game but the campaign annoys me with the 3 roman factions and the senate.Roman factions expand very quickly and destroy mostly everything in a short period of time,and what u are left with is the roman factions and most of the time which results in a world war with the other roman factions,And why is it in most campaigns egypt is the top dog besides roman factions? and also parthia is way to weak in the campagn
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