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FLavius Valerius Constantinus

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Everything posted by FLavius Valerius Constantinus

  1. I, FVC, declare that I still like George Bush and I am not ashamed. I just like the guy for his personality, that's all. As for the Messiah's foreign trips, the new Rasmussen and Gallup polls show that the trip was a smashing failure and more likely to motivate the Republican base. On another note, I am annoyed at the fact that the Chosen One disregarded our wounded soldiers in Germany because he couldn't do a photo-op. One more note, honestly Barach, can you just admit that the surge is successful and necessary.
  2. Honestly, just how many armed police officers do you guys have anyways, esp in London. If the punks disrespect the authority, they as well might fear them.
  3. Some Mayan cities also fell because they cut down all their trees, which led to erosion and economic instabiity(they happen to also use the trees for firewood and production of lime plaster).
  4. Speakin of actual legitimacy, I believe that during the transition of power to the Constantinople, all the rich Roman politicians, patricians, royal line, et alia moved to the East too. Thus, the imperium in the East was truly Roman even centuries later because the bloodlines of these former Westerners would have married into Greek society.
  5. In terms of political assasination, the senators had a lot to fear. Otherwise, not much really, he had only one legion to take over Rome. Some imperator or dux in Northern Italy coulda just mobilized back to Rome within a month with at least 2 legions to put down a revolt. But of course, my opinion is completely not deeply intellectual.
  6. Trimalchio is from the story the "Millionaire's Banquet" right? That was a booklet they let lower track Latin students translate in my high school. As for this translation "and a reveler, clad in white vestments, entered, followed by a large retinue," it always puzzles me how the translator never translate literally. Coulda just started out Commisator intravit alba veste cum ingenti frequentia amictusque.
  7. I wonder how many trees they had to cut down for the fort. What if the area they were in was more marshland?
  8. Hmm, an overlooked mystery... I would say the disappearance of Amelia Earnhart. She was dazzling wasn't she. As for the Bog Bodies being a mystery, I'd say they hardly are. Ancient text on Celtic culture/tradition, autopsies, and the belongings worn by the victims extremely helps explain the purposes of the Bog Bodies.
  9. Personally, I think the "muslim", "terrorist", "racist" and related adjectives on Senator Obama are so dumb that they can't benefit his opponents at all. In fact, such arguments can backfire on their authors, as implying they have no better argument for not voting for him. If so, then the author has succeeded by incurring controversey and doubt.
  10. Well, I wasn't really going for the academia/intelligence comparison, more of the average "stereotypical/attitude of" American. But of course, who doesn't stereotype.
  11. Problem is that the average American won't see the satire. Believe it or not, a notable percentage of Americans believe he is a Muslim(and it's not just the Republicans ).
  12. You're just like one of those food channel peeps. You tell me so much to savor, but I still can't fracking cook.
  13. But aren't Swiss Guards mercenaries...where would the money come from.
  14. I happen by chance on Xbox live to meet a Brit was in the military for more than a decade. He said he got jack#### when he discharged. His wife in the U.S. navy meanwhile got a pension, a better dental plan, et alia than he ever did. Go figure, it's no wonder people are voting for Tories, because Nou Labor is so stupid.
  15. I wonder how Southerners will nickname your boy Caedicius? Perhaps they'll call him Kay or Kai(Cae)
  16. The curve on the Vergil test might have been generous for me. But then again, me and my fellow friend during the exam promised each other that we had solid 3s. Aiming for epic failure we were.
  17. Gratia tibi pro sententiam vestram(um;I keep forgetting if I'm suppose to take into account the person's sex) Oh yes, I did forget all about that pope crowning Charlemagne the "legitimate" emperor.
  18. As a Republican, I find the Obama picture hilarious. Ironically, that cover is making fun of me.
  19. For a minute I though you were talking about Civilization Revolution, sadly no. I was never a fan of rts games.
  20. Yes, the Romans of the east acted more like Greeks. But by then, why wouldn't the Greeks be culturally identified as Romans. Rome was a multi-ethnic empire and so Greeks calling/considering themselves to be real Romans is reasonable. Honestly, why call the "Romaoi" Byzantine when they didn't know of such a concept. Every time I see the word Byzantine, there should be a footnote regarding its western connotation.
  21. It feels embarassing to be back here but here I am. I've been away for so long because I felt too stupid and unknowledgable on Latin and Roman History anymore. Honestly, because of my poor showing in my AP Latin Vergil class(failed almost every test), I almost gave up on Latin. However, what do ya know, I got a giant 5 on my AP exam. Don't know how I did it, but now I faithfully have renewed my interests in Latin and Roman history.
  22. Obama...you know why if he becomes President(racial overtone). I'm not trying to kid on this scenario. Osama...living in Waziristan and constantly moving will kill the old man. Britney... Borat...Oh wait, his character is already dead. Ted Kennedy...he'll ironically be killed by a wind turbine due to karma. Much more...
  23. I just wish I could gather all the establishment conservatives like Limbaugh, Delay, Hannity, Savage, et alia and bury them alive because they are too damn stupid to realize that they won't win 08 if they freaking support Romney. This is the first time(in maturity) that I can recall that Republicans can be so childish and stupid. Gosh darn!
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