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FLavius Valerius Constantinus

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Everything posted by FLavius Valerius Constantinus

  1. Actually, I'm really glad to hear this story. What pit are they actually referring to here?
  2. Yes, there is. You have custom games where there is a max of four players per console. You have campaign coop up to four players. As for multiplayer, anything goes.
  3. Funny, I was learning plate techtonics and faultlines in Environmental science the other day. I must say, southern California and the coastline got screwed over when God moved the plates. A 5.0 sounds fun, but California unfortunately is a high pressure area where you always get a high magnitude.
  4. Yes, oh, by the way, there's a skull that makes you have a grunt's head pop into confetti and with kids cheering.
  5. They are sorta hard to find, but if you search online, there are many tutorials. I myself really don't care for the skulls, so I don't bother.
  6. Skulls are things that you can activate that actually makes the game harder for you to play. For example, one skull forces you to melee an enemy in order to regain your shield. Another skull actually makes you shoot from the hip or basically you can't see your guns or crosshair.
  7. Me too but it didn't take very long, actually beside the flood ship level the only thing I was slightly disappointed with was how easy the game was even at legendary. Been through it twice (if I count that I've missed the last two levels on one of them but I've played the first four about five times with different people.) The multi is great, I've only tried split screen and that's where I'll have to stop. Well if Legendary is dissapointing, I suppose you should play for achievements. Otherwise, multiplayer provides all the necessary skills you want to achieve.
  8. I've already beaten the game on legendary(took forever). But now the multiplayer is just so addicting and frustrating, especially on ranked team slayer.
  9. I just wished UNRV had a Halo 3 clan. I just wonder if there are enough players on this site. Anyways, my gamertag is A Puzzled Mind if anyone wants to play.
  10. I though Latin pronunciations were simple. The V is actually a W sound. The C is always the hard K sound. G sound is always hard. -us ending really depends on the case and declension. In fact, the -is ending depends whether it is ablative, dative, or sometimes nominative. Depending on the word, the I letter is pronounced more like a Y, e.g iam or iugum. Now if you have -ii ending, a Roman speaker would probably drop the second -i. There's a lot more to it other than what I just mentioned. But that is the easy part. Hard part is when you read the actual works by Latin scholars. Damn the dactyl spondee and whatever else exists.
  11. Wow, he seriously has been away for a very long time. Last I seen him post was a year ago.
  12. Stupid House of Representatives. Turkey just started shelling Kurdistan along the border already. And now the Cabinet is getting the go-ahead, ahh a huge mess caused by the HoR. All the Turks needed was a stupid reason to mobilize. Now I'm just wondering if the US military will beat up of the Turkish military if there is an invasion.
  13. G-manic, listen to me. Do not buy a Premium Xbox 360 console right now. Trust me for two reasons. First, Sony and Microsoft are about to bring a new price war when Sony releases their 40GB model. I'm predicting and for sure (and according to many qualified analysts) that Microsoft will either slash prices or "bundle" their systems with games and other features like 2 free games or a second wireless controller. It's been confirmed that there is a future bundle that will cost 280 dollars without the 20GB HDD, which is know as the Core system(compared to the Wii's 250dollar price). But trust me, wait until or after christmas or a few months more when Microsoft will have definitely release better deals on the market by then. Reason number 2. You will have heard of the 360's Red Ring of Death/RROD. Meaning, if you purchase a 360 right now, your console for sure will "die" 6 months later. Luckily, there is a three year warranty coverage. But having to send in the console for repairs is a pain in the arse(it already happened to me). Fortunately, by the end of the year, Microsoft will have released a new batch of 360's with the 65 nanometer Falcon chip that will ensure the darn thing will never get the RROD. There's my advice.
  14. I'm in AP Latin IV, which basically means I'm still in highschool. As far as I know it, I'm lucky to have a teacher who knows fluently both Greek and Latin (and 4 other languages) really helps. As for me, four years of Latin will do no good if you don't study for another four years in terms of learning the works of Roman scholars.
  15. Just to add, democracy for the Greeks was very different from what we know. Some city-states actually had a combined government of oligarchy and elected citizens ( Sparta is a very good example of that). Another common requirement was that in order to vote, one would need to be a "male" citizen and sometimes with a certain amount of wealth. However, I doubt(I'm not a real scholar by the way) that Greek democracy directly influenced Roman government but rather that Etruscan civilization that had Greek influences actually shaped the early Republic. Not to mention there was Campania at the bottom of Italy.
  16. Apparently, my school kicked out a kid who did something retarded-->Link to Article So now I got the friggin leftest Nation of Islam and the Millions More Movement protesting at my school tommorrow. I actually love my high school and think it has not done anything wrong. The only problem here is that the hypocritical jackasses out there are bringing up the race issue because the student who was expelled is black. My school is primarily white, but we have a good number of minorities and they love being at my school. I don't see them bickering and protesting or hating the school. Not to mention, we've had the zero tolerance policy when it comes to serious misconduct issues. So no one at my school is surprised. We like the kid, but what he did was absolutely stupid. If he was drunk, I'll give him that. I, however don't know enough details, but I sure know that he committed that action and anyone would easily know what he did was wrong. Enough of my rant. They are scheduled to protest at noon and if I can't get out of school at the right time or be allowed to go to school tomorrow, I'm gonna be pissed. (That's right, I actually like school).
  17. Iugum is the latin word. Most kids at my school thinks JUG stands for Justice Under God.
  18. Apparently the times have changed. Nowadays, they just give you a JUG(detention) like my school does. Guess what Latin word JUG comes from?
  19. I'm a damn adolescent and I sure as hell know too many stupid and reckless teenagers.
  20. As much fun that everyone has with her embarassing answer, I'm not the one to laugh because I realize that she is human like any of us and as lowly beings, we are extremely prone to nervousness. Undoubtedly, who here can go on stage before millions and give a good God to honest answer while being stared at by thousands and blinding lights.
  21. I'm not saying the actual epic is anti-Augustus, but in AP Latin today, my teacher brought up a really good point about Virgil. From a later source, it states that Virgil's family lost their estate,farms, and wealth due to the battle of Phillipi since the Virgil's family was actually on the Republican side against Antony/Octavian. So my teacher teacher, while cautious about using late sources, pointed out that very likely Virgil did not favor Augustus but was forced to write the Aeneid since Maecenas, Augustus cultural advisor and great patron of my Roman scholars, approached Virgil with a good amount leverage since Maecenas was a good patron. I just wanted to but that out there. By the way, if anyone has finished the Aenid, did you ever realized the book was never finished?
  22. 465.34 is how much senior books cost for me (add the 11000 tuition). JC, I also have to wait to buy two more books that cost in excess of 150. Owell, August 23 and back to school. I ONLY CAN IMAGINE HOW MUCH IT JUST COSTS TO BUY COLLEGE BOOKS!
  23. Just to clarify, if no one knows what the hell a mastodon is, just imagine it as a hairless wooly mammoth(which tells you about its type of habitat) and slightly bigger.
  24. So the new PM vows he would preserve secularism...my gluteus. Ever wonder why the Turkish army is still threatening to overthrow the new term.
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