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UNRV Ancient Roman Empire Forums

FLavius Valerius Constantinus

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Everything posted by FLavius Valerius Constantinus

  1. So I have a project that involves me building a Roman building/structure. For something unique, I was thinking of Roman forts. So far, I'm thinking of Vindolanda or Eboracum[more ideas?] with Hadrian's wall[?]. If I shall build it, what is the best material and diagrams for building a small scale model? Other suggestions also welcomed.
  2. SO, soon we will be calling you DOCTOR ________? Another question: How many pages is your thesis by the way?[Though I'm pretty sure you've met the requirement] I believe one of my Latin teacher got his thesis to round 130 pages.(on some unheard of classical person) and my other Latin teacher got his Ph.D. on a 300 page book about taxes(how horrifyingly boring).
  3. As someone who used to admin a site with over 1000 maniacs...um, yeah...30 well-behaved members is immensely better. Yes, yes, obviously loyal members can be great in small numbers. But in the interest of the site, having more serious members produceds more diversity on the forum in terms of knowledge and ideas. Post Scriptum...Kickass new layout Moonlapse.
  4. I think this way too, and praise Moonlapse for this new style. It's pretty satin chic. Only unfortunate thing is we barely have 30 loyal members.
  5. Just curious, but what happens if they give the big NO.
  6. Don't Americans work more hours and receive less vacations than almost all other industrial nations. Also someone mentioned ealier in this thread that if a country cannot even have running water or enough food for its population how can they be catching up economically. China would be the perfect example of this, were with all the investment and "improvements" in China, the Communist party rules that country less for the protection of the ideals of Marx and Mao Zedong and more for the protection of the ruling elites in the party while the rest of the population lives in poverty. The same thing could be said for alot of these countries were American jobs get outsourced to. Well yes Americans work more hours/live to work, but that concept is a pretty old one that is used to differentiate Europe and America really. As for China, yes, they are getting stronger militarily and economically. However, they are just screwing themselves over with their excessive spending on their military and massive material consumption when they have no such funds[?] for real social reform like healthcare for a huge aging population. I mean if you say America has got it bad when it comes to a comprehensive healthcare system, we're lucky as hell to even have such an institution or close enough. Eventually, the Chinese will face the problems we face with a capitolist society or even worse.
  7. Julii weren't so well off or know in the mid-Republic, but hey, look what happened.
  8. I'm afraid you'll get feces again with the candidates for 2008. Why a female Clinton? Why an inexperienced senator whose book is bought but never really read? Why a liberal Republican? Why does nobody trust poor old McCain? Why a Mormon? Kucinich? What the Reid?
  9. Well I'm also in the same class as you and the answer my textbook gave was that after the Great War, everyone was tired of the problems and in Europe and the American public desperated wanted a "return to normalcy" which means antebellum pro quo isolationism.
  10. I suppose that I would always have to pick Franco in any worse case scenario.
  11. Here's a quick and very short citation that should answer your questions:Link to article [Courtesy of Bartleby.com]
  12. If anyone is interested, here is an extremely long article on Roman Agriculture. Link to article By the way, to the person above, I think that during the Empire, the average pleibean farmer was still dirt poor and had an extremly small farm that was only enough to produce necessary food and a little surplus for the market. Otherwise, the latifundiae basically was the backbone of farming of the Empire.
  13. I wonder if this guy would vote for a Republican who is "wily and effective", considering that he's at the NYT.
  14. Link to articles A huge column in the garden of an ancient Roman villa at Pompeii was toppled in what officials said Wednesday was an act of vandalism. "This isn't a simple act of vandalism, which, while bad enough, could be explained by ignorance," superintendent Giovanni Guzzo said, calling it "an act of intimidation......
  15. Sounds like you had fun while my gluteus was stuck at an ACT Kaplan course in Evanston, though I live in the northside of Chicago.
  16. Gordianus...hmm...I've been terribly bored by his character. I wish Saylor would create new novel based on a Roman soldier of some high rank that is young and rash.
  17. No surprise here. The govt has been doing this since Bush stepped into power. They inch and inch closer and closer to us and we do little but complain... Hmm...let me see...since Bush stepped into power, everyone has been horrified by the serious issue of online predators(due to constant media exposure). We can complain, but the fact is, the internet is not a very safe place and there needs to be some measure of protection that the government must provide. However, the "new law" is a state law(so don't blame the feds this time really) that only targets sites like "myspace" where it has been a hotbed for inappropriate things.
  18. Well, I 'm not an expert, but I do know Latin and I think you're correct in asserting that the "Romans" spoke in subject, verb, object. However, you can't expect a Roman centuries ago to always use a verb always placed at the end, to him, it didn't matter where it went in placement unless others could understand it. However, I noted that there was a lack of Latin sentence constructions including infinitives.
  19. Well, it is not the worse punishment, but the Iron Maiden looks like an extremely painful one. Nevertheless, I suppose the worse punishments, well top 2 is skinning people and impaling Dracula style.
  20. Eh, I have a teacher who knows Esperanto and it does seem really easy. However, it does not seem original or has that aura of intelligence IMO.
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